But I want to do him! (Most frustrating game cockblock)


Jan 3, 2020
We've all seen it. We're playing a game, maybe it's text, maybe it's a visual novel, maybe animations. And we come across this fine piece of ass, a piece of ass so good that eating it would do that weird flashback thing you saw in the Ratatouille movie. Maybe it's a guy, maybe it's a girl, maybe it's a mix, everything or nothing at all. Maybe it's just a ball of goo cos, hey, not judging, maybe you like slimes. Your stomach knots as you talk to them, your balls ache/your fanny flutters, as you think "Yes! YES! I will ride you like Seabiscuit, like OP's sister rides anyone who gives her even the remotest of compliments" (HEY! Also, true...) But then, LE GASP! THEN!!

You're cockblocked. Quim Trimmed! Cuntlocked! Ball shocked! Clit Hit! Various other vulgar versions of the term!

It's a tragedy, and you can never, ever bang them. But for just £3 a month-

So, you lovely degenerates (Yes, that is a quote), what would you say is your worst cockblock in game? When have you been denied a character you have lusted after from the second you saw them due to lack of scripting or gameplay reasons?

I'd comment myself, but my list is WAY too big. XD


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2017
Trying to write a male MC who isn't a complete pervert or creep can lead to the MC constantly cockblocking the player. I'm not saying every MC needs to be a panty-sniffing, shower-spying sleep rapist, but when the intentions of the MC are at odds with what the player wants for too long it often gets too annoying for me and I just find a game where you get to play a pervert.


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2018
Trying to write a male MC who isn't a complete pervert or creep can lead to the MC constantly cockblocking the player..
yeah, absolutely. how many times does it happen that something happens with the love interest, and suddenly the MC bails out thinking something like "I don't want to bother her more today..." - YES YOU DO! YES YOU DO WANT TO BOTHER HER! GO BACK! BAAAACK!!! :ROFLMAO:
Aug 3, 2020
My list is pretty large. You could do a list on VNDB where you list all the characters have the 'Mother' tag, but also have the 'Not Sexually Involved' tag. Its quite large.

Some of the most egregious that F95 folks might think of would be the moms from Corrupted Kingdoms and Mythic Manor. Mythic Manor is really bad because you get to see her in pretty revealing clothes.

Puramai Wars is pretty bad. Two familys are forced to live together, including the hot mom of the protagonist, and the hot mom of a bunch of other girls. MC only goes after the idiot young girls.

Or worse is games where the mom is visible having sex with some villian or monster, but not with her son.

I get why so many devs kill off the mother of the MC, but really? Just give us some easter eggs or something :)


I should also note that Momoiro Closet was doubly disappointing as the MC had a hot mom and aunt character - drawn by Ino (who has extremely high status as an eroge artist). He also had your typical little sister as well as other hot friends, and the game only focused on the one vanilla as fuck classmate.

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Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2019
yeah, absolutely. how many times does it happen that something happens with the love interest, and suddenly the MC bails out thinking something like "I don't want to bother her more today..." - YES YOU DO! YES YOU DO WANT TO BOTHER HER! GO BACK! BAAAACK!!! :ROFLMAO:
Couldn't this be solved by simply making the character confident and proactive? Some games just don't suit lecherous, creep MCs.


Oct 11, 2020
BioWare is super guilty of this. Although their games are not specifically adult games, they do have the romance aspect in the Mass Effect & Dragon Age series, & it's quite obvious they gender-locked particular romanceable NPCs.

I'm sure developers have their reasons, but I completely sympathize.


Jan 3, 2020
BioWare is super guilty of this. Although their games are not specifically adult games, they do have the romance aspect in the Mass Effect & Dragon Age series, & it's quite obvious they gender-locked particular romanceable NPCs.

I'm sure developers have their reasons, but I completely sympathize.
Urgh, don't I know it... No Wrex or Grunt romance, Garrus only to women. And they lied about a Krogan romance for Andromeda. I mean, Kaiden turned gay in ME3! Why not the hotter guys!?

It's all well and good having the humans bat for the other team, but some of us like fine alien arse, GOD DAMN IT!
[Insert joke about that being a wanking hand here]


Oct 11, 2020
Urgh, don't I know it... No Wrex or Grunt romance, Garrus only to women. And they lied about a Krogan romance for Andromeda. I mean, Kaiden turned gay in ME3! Why not the hotter guys!?

It's all well and good having the humans bat for the other team, but some of us like fine alien arse, GOD DAMN IT!
View attachment 855547
[Insert joke about that being a wanking hand here]
I think the whole game series' romances were botched up.
FemShep couldn't romance Jack, Miranda, Ashley or Tali. They wanted ManShep to be cannon so badly.
But as you said, they did ManShep dirty, too.
What's wrong with making everyone pansexual? It's the fucking future, guys.
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Oct 11, 2020
It's especially weird because they made all the LI's in Dragon Age II bisexual (except Sebastian)
Unfortunately, there's a flaw there, too. In II and Inquisition, I wanted to romance Varric hardcore, and they made him hung up on the woman responsible for the namesake of his crossbow. :rolleyes: He's just meant to be your BFF and nothing more. :cautious:

Don't get me started on Inquisition either. As someone who hung around that fandom for a while, there were some extremely disappointed male Inquisitor Solasmancers/Cullenmancers (which some might not understand because a lot of people hate Solas... but for the masochists out there, I empathize. As a female Inquisitor, I fell for his damn ancient elvy charms.) I do believe there were mods on Nexus for it, but it sucks that it wasn't an option to begin with.
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New Member
Oct 3, 2020
So the title that I'm writing for has two playable protagonists, and each has romance options. We went back and forth on who we should have as romanceable options for each protagonist. A lot of time and effort went into the character designs, and we think they're all beautiful! But we're also writing the characters, and I don't think it's fair to make every character pansexual because I don't think each character would be? It's kind of hard to explain, I guess.

The way I look at it is - if the character is attracted to another character, their gender doesn't play into it - its kind of how I feel about it in real life, too. We do have a few gay characters, and we have mostly bisexual characters..... but just more so in that the gay characters aren't personally interested in anyone else in the cast of the same gender, not because they aren't interested in that gender in general. I think that makes the most sense?
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Oct 11, 2020
I don't think it's fair to make every character pansexual because I don't think each character would be? It's kind of hard to explain, I guess.

The way I look at it is - if the character is attracted to another character, their gender doesn't play into it - its kind of how I feel about it in real life, too. We do have a few gay characters, and we have mostly bisexual characters..... but just more so in that the gay characters aren't personally interested in anyone else in the cast of the same gender, not because they aren't interested in that gender in general. I think that makes the most sense?
I completely understand what you mean in that certain preferences would be uncharacteristic and untrue to the character you wrote.

But in the future, after First Contact, and having so many species out there... You figure some of those characters would have broadened their horizons or something. Maybe I'm just hopeful. Of course there would still be some purists who are strict to their species, or something, but... There are just so many different sexualities out there, so why not explore them? Idk.

Another thing to consider would be that they could make the romance unlockable should the Player Character decide to pursue a romance. But not make it full-stop, they're gonna fucking flirt and hit on you like crazy when they first see you. It could be a situation where you have to build trust and rapport with them first, then can trigger some kind of romance if possible.

And I was kind of exaggerating about making everyone pansexual, but... Also... Can you imagine the people out there who open up a game and want to romance EVERYONE, but they can't? There are a lot of people out there like that lol.

My partner hates the romance aspect in any game. Usually if it includes romance at all, he's not interested in playing. He just wants plot and adventure and that's about it. No drama lol.


New Member
Oct 3, 2020
I completely understand what you mean in that certain preferences would be uncharacteristic and untrue to the character you wrote.

But in the future, after First Contact, and having so many species out there... You figure some of those characters would have broadened their horizons or something. Maybe I'm just hopeful. Of course there would still be some purists who are strict to their species, or something, but... There are just so many different sexualities out there, so why not explore them? Idk.

Another thing to consider would be that they could make the romance unlockable should the Player Character decide to pursue a romance. But not make it full-stop, they're gonna fucking flirt and hit on you like crazy when they first see you. It could be a situation where you have to build trust and rapport with them first, then can trigger some kind of romance if possible.

And I was kind of exaggerating about making everyone pansexual, but... Also... Can you imagine the people out there who open up a game and want to romance EVERYONE, but they can't? There are a lot of people out there like that lol.

My partner hates the romance aspect in any game. Usually if it includes romance at all, he's not interested in playing. He just wants plot and adventure and that's about it. No drama lol.
Yeah one of them brought up this idea too, but that makes it both uncharacteristic and..creepy? Like, character 1 doesn't like character 2 - their gender doesn't play a part in it, they just don't like them. It doesn't really make sense to make them romanceable if they're not fond of each other. I get that there are people that would like to see character 1 hook up with character 2, but it's not feasible if they're not into each other. If players wanted to "ship" them, fan art and such is always an option, but making every single character hook up with every other character organically is not only an insane amount of work, it goes against what the character's want and stand for as individuals, as we have crafted them.

The romance portion isn't required in the game - though getting close to the cast is, as it's tantamount to the story. Any character that forgoes the romantic route can be placed on a platonic relationship route instead. While I adore the entire cast, I can understand that some people just want the grand story, so we're working it into the game as such.


Oct 11, 2020
Yeah one of them brought up this idea too, but that makes it both uncharacteristic and..creepy? Like, character 1 doesn't like character 2 - their gender doesn't play a part in it, they just don't like them. It doesn't really make sense to make them romanceable if they're not fond of each other.
That's when you start getting suggestions for RIVALMANCES. But you don't have to listen to them.

What you suggested, "shipping" them and making fanart? That's pretty much what everyone does anyway. And just because people want two characters together doesn't mean that the developers have to comply. I always tell my author friend to write for her. Screw everyone else because she knows what the characters want to do. It's her head, it's her heart. She has to write her books the way she would be writing it if the story was meant for her and only her, and her fans embrace her books no matter what. Of course you're gonna get people talking shit, but that's normal for everything.


Nov 9, 2018
I got hooked on dragon age origins, I even paid a membership on nexus just to download its sex mod...
when I found out dragon age 2, and inquisition don't have sex mods, my interest died out...

"Version 0.01"
this... is the ultimate cock blocker, hands down, mmm mmm...
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Aug 23, 2020
When playing Dragon Age Origins I had that as I play lesbian FemMC's and damn it if Morrigan was only for males. Then DA2 came out and they went the other way where every damn choice had the LIs jealous of each other and I really wanted the sister or the guard lady. Inquisition came along and the only two options were the diplomat and the cray cray Sera, but the hot as hell Cassandra was off the menu. Same with the black mage chick who even flirted the whole game through. Though chasing Sera is an adventure in and of itself.

Mass Effect was awful even if it is my favorite series. I love Liara, but is your a gay femShep, she is your only option till ME3 with Samantha or if you were celibate through the first two games and flirted with Samara. I have been unable to play Andromeda as my rig is not up to playing it

Yet then I have played a game called Verdant Skies and every NPC in the game is a LI and will want to jump you, even if you wish to be exclusive to one of them alone. That ruins some of the fun too.
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Oct 11, 2020
When playing Dragon Age Origins I had that as I play lesbian FemMC's and damn it if Morrigan was only for males. Then DA2 came out and they went the other way where every damn choice had the LIs jealous of each other and I really wanted the sister or the guard lady. Inquisition came along and the only two options were the diplomat and the cray cray Sera, but the hot as hell Cassandra was off the menu. Same with the black mage chick who even flirted the whole game through. Though chasing Sera is an adventure in and of itself.

Mass Effect was awful even if it is my favorite series. I love Liara, but is your a gay femShep, she is your only option till ME3 with Samantha or if you were celibate through the first two games and flirted with Samara. I have been unable to play Andromeda as my rig is not up to playing it

Yet then I have played a game called Verdant Skies and every NPC in the game is a LI and will want to jump you, even if you wish to be exclusive to one of them alone. That ruins some of the fun too.
Ugh so sorry. With BioWare games, you just can't win in romance. Not unless you're super vanilla or just lucky enough to have a LI that is compatible with your character's sexuality. I didn't even really think about the LIs from Origins, but I did like that you could have a threesome w/ Isabella & that she was romanceable in DAII as well. I also forgot about the situation with Aveline. They do a lot of misleading with their characters (as in, the design of them is misleading to their actual sexual preferences... not that they should conform to a stereotype, but it totally throws off my gaydar).

As far as Andromeda goes, don't worry. You'll probably be just as disappointed. I beat it, and I wasn't thrilled with the options at all to be honest.

BioWare does well enough with plot alone, and if I had the mind of my partner, I would probably enjoy the game more without romancing any of the LIs. I even went so far as to romance Thane in Mass Effect II because I kinda felt like it would be wrong to be with someone who could possibly outlive you with how dangerous your job description is & he was already dying. Morbid, but practical.

I will have to check out Verdant Skies. Even if it ruins some of the fun, I'd definitely love to see a game that does its best NOT to cockblock you, even if it's flawed :ROFLMAO:
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