But I want to do him! (Most frustrating game cockblock)


Aug 23, 2020
Thanks for the heads up on Andromeda. Ahhh.... Aveline how that minx can still haunt me even now. I may have to chase Merrill around the game again just to get rid of the disappointment.

I just thought of another game that blocks a player from a good conquest, Fallout3 and New Vegas. Especially New Vegas as a male Courier can chase and win the cowboy cutie Cass, a fem Courier is left adrift. Fallout3 itself is just brimming with honeys, but all but the hooker slave Nova are off the menu to all players.

Such a waste of potential for the Waists...

By the way Verdant Skies is a space farm game like a Star Wars version of Harvest Moon.
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New Member
Oct 3, 2020
That's when you start getting suggestions for RIVALMANCES. But you don't have to listen to them.

What you suggested, "shipping" them and making fanart? That's pretty much what everyone does anyway. And just because people want two characters together doesn't mean that the developers have to comply. I always tell my author friend to write for her. Screw everyone else because she knows what the characters want to do. It's her head, it's her heart. She has to write her books the way she would be writing it if the story was meant for her and only her, and her fans embrace her books no matter what. Of course you're gonna get people talking shit, but that's normal for everything.
Oh of course. The romances and relationships are decided already. I'm all for feedback, but I'd never suggest someone compromise their vision for a character - it's their character, after all. If the character is rude and racist - yeah he might be hated, but that's kind of the point.

Either way, I mentioned any of this because I can relate with how not being able to get closer to your favorite character could be frustrating. So while their are a set amount of romances, we're going out of our way to make sure the player can learn and spend time with most of the characters - even the less approachable ones.

So no snu snu with the bad guy/girl, but you'll get to know them pretty well.
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Jan 10, 2020
Didn’t see if they’d already been mentioned but to stay on the ME theme: Samara or Aria getting actual full relationships instead of tiny Easter egg winks/quick kiss for Aria in Omega DLC. For that matter I’m still salty that BioWare sidelined so many great ME2 romance options in 3 with forgettable scenes/interactions (Miranda, Jack, hell even though he’s boring they did Jacob romancers really dirty). I get that from a gameplay perspective many of the 2 teammates could be dead in your 3 game but damn it reward the players who kept the team alive in their ending by having meaningful extra scenes in 3 instead of awkwardly writing people out. At least the Citadel DLC added some fun extra scenes for most of the romantic partners.