VN - Ren'Py - But I'm the Bad Guy? [v0.081] [DLGB]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Just came across this game and have to say it's another mediocre game. Doesn't feel like any thought has been put into the story at all. No true "animations" like 90% of the games I come across on this site. No plot build up with the different characters. Just a creepy dude who thinks he looks cool wearing sunglasses all the time. If I was looking for a plot with no real build up I would just watch a porn movie. Maybe in 3 to 4 years if this game is still being made, with a major rework, it might be a 4 star or above game.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Gotta love the story and characters of this one. The sheer degeneracy of the main character and the banter of his internal demons are both entertaining to observe/read. I must say that the MC is not suitable for "self-insertion", *pun intended*, at least perhaps for the majority of the players, the MC gives a fresh breath of character, giving a different experience and perpective, (ultra degenerate to be exact) amongst the generic "pretty boy, nice guy" placeholder MCs that plague this site.

    There's also no annoying drug/magic/pheromone plot devices (at least as of this writing), which are already overused and not on creative ways on top of that. Atleast the MC in this game/story gets laid through sheer tenacity and degeneracy.

    PS. I hope that the bug with characters speaking another character's dialogue line gets fixed. It gets confusing sometimes...
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Better than expected.

    I love that there are lolis there aren´t many Renpy games with them so that is a big plus.

    The story is okay, there are some things that are not good the japanese girl feels like filler and all scenes with Pam and thois Ntr kinda shit is awfuo and almost makes we want to give only two stars, it isn´t really Ntr but it is very close and I fear that in future updates it gets worse.

    The sex scenes are pretty hot Riley scenes are my favorites, but every other scene is great too, ecept the moments when Pam is on screen.

    The character are good enough nothing amazing but I liked them. Hailey got a bit too annoying sometime but other than that I loved Riley and that the MC is very unusual he is the worst person imaginable and that wouldn´t fit if he was your average MC teen boy, instead he looks like a character who would sell drugs or something in other games.

    I still have one big problem though, it feels too slow paced a lot of times and there is a lot of teasing and not much else I hope in the next updates that will change.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    depends what you look for.

    What I like a lot is, that for a change the MC is finnaly not a young little boy but an older masculine guy. Also you get to experience a lot of crazy pervert fantasies. It is officially all legal content but to be honest it feels very questionable. Anyways... what you get is a lot of trash talking to get a milf and little girls and boys onto your dick. It also includes very bad hardcore **--bestiality-rape. If you are into that and also a lot of "little-boy" stuff, this is the perfect game for you.

    For me personally it was a little too much and also I am not into little boys or gay content at all, so I guess its not for me. In addition it is sometimes a lot of text to read through... which is not my thing if the story is not very good.

    So you can make your own choice...
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    [ 0.054v2 ]

    Quite a dark fantasy (as per the title), but most of the more extreme /objectionable content is skippable, as far as I noticed. At any rate, an order of magnitude softer than RedStar Studios stuff.

    Storywise it is a strange mix of believable and unbelievable dialogues. The basic premise is not fantastic, but the speed with which MC gets to do what he wants, is quite unrealistic. My impression is that author didn't want too much story get in way of action. Therefore those who'd look for a real rich story VN will be disappointed. Nevertheless, many of dialogues are quite enjoyable, and I liked the pace.

    The h scenes and their premises seemed very good for most part.

    My only practical objection is (as is in so many cases of AVNs) the ubersize of MC's dick. I mean, sure... he is supposed to have a larger one, but none of the h scenes look in any way realistic, because that size would have it physically come out on the other side of the head, when receiving bj, for example.

    All in all 5 stars, very promising.
    Likes: aslop
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    I'm honestly not sure how this VN ended up rated as high as it is. It simply isn't good from the get go.

    You play as a rather ugly character with no charisma or charm, a scruffy beard and a weirdly oversized penis. He pervs on anyone in front of him. The fact that any female would be interested is very unrealistic as the character you are playing as is a very large douche.

    The female models aren't what you could call attractive and the writing isn't very good, not that there is much of a plot. No sex appeal at all. It's so bad I gave up on it.

    There are far better options out there than to waste time on this one.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    Just written like garbage. None of the characters are actually characters at all, they're basically just cardboard cutouts looking for sex. You genuinely might as well just skip through it just to watch the one or two good scenes in it if you only need 3 minutes to yourself. I will also mention if you DO read the dialogue, it is intensely creepy and weird. I wouldn't want to leave just about anyone alone with this dev if this is what they think is normal.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    Not bad, but not good either, compared to other VNs I've tried. Has some good scenes, but overall the player character is just too unlikable for my tastes, (which I suppose is part of the point?), and the illusion of choices are shallow most of the time. I didn't end up finishing the game, so maybe it gets better, but it's odd to me that the ratings for this are so high.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I usually force myself to wait for games to be fully released but I cant hold back for this one. Cant wait to see where it goes.

    This game hits a ton of my guilty pleasures and even got me into some new ones. With most other games I will skip through the writing and just get to the good stuff since its usually boring or not well written. However the dev has always kept my attention and has me invested in the ongoing story.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Pretty fucked up, but also pretty raunchy. I like the character models a lot and though there are no animations, I don't think you really need them if the writing/cgs are hot enough. The game is especially good when it comes to scenes of taking advantage of a characters good nature or naivety.

    While you are definitely playing a messed up dude who will constantly push boundaries or take advantage of naivety, you have some measure of control to not let the game get too fucked up (or you can go there if you so choose). You're going to be doing fucked up shit no matter what but the game doesn't twist the knife to make you feel bad about it like some others do. Maybe that will change in the future but it seems like the most unsettling tropes are avoidable at least.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    The story gets more interesting with the new updates. Visually, and I've seen some people say it wasn't good, but I must be a simple person as to me it's good enough :)
    It's above average, but the kinks make me rate it a lot higher than I would have otherwise.
  12. 5.00 star(s)

    Niels Holgersson

    The last update was a real eye opener, first the "hero" rapes a girl, the he lets the dog have its way with her and then just leaves her to her own devices, this is the sort of thing I might have found in "Raptus". Now he really is showing his real character, just as a bad guy should, the little Japanese girl is also going to get her dues from the looks of things, and all the women and that one little boy are really going to suffer, great story , keep it up.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best h game i have ever played. I absolutely love this game. Everything is perfect. I dont write review for just any game. I only write review for the best. I can't wait for more. Absolutely love the corruption of wife.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    ver. 0.045

    Very good Visual Novel so far, with many kinks,(u can choose if u dont like some of them). Good art and choices. I just hope to see a lot more content in the future, but at the moment its still worth to try.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Loving it! It involves some fun rompy let's just get to the action suspension of disbelief (plot armor ++ ), but that just kinda makes it more fun. It is unapologetic, fairly straight forward but with enough button clicks so you don't feel like it should've just been a PDF, decent writing and art, dives into taboo topics without trying to make excuses about it... I can't wait for more updates
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    I am not only going to jail. I am also going to hell for enjoying this one. I play this one every few patches to see new content then go to the mirror to question decisions I have made in my life. Story is nice tho.
    Art 3.5/5
    Story 4/5
    Gameplay VN/5
    Fapability questionable
    Originality 4/5
  17. 5.00 star(s)

    A. Dark

    So far a great game.. But I think some more optional contents will make this game one of the best in what it can do.. For example the avoidable bestiality scene with the dog.. More contents like that and the option to let the girls get fucked by other dudes/homeless men while they are drugged or unconscious, and optional group sex scenes would be awesome.. I said optional cause some people may not like those contents..
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    I think this game is way overrated, mostly because it's really boring. I played for about three hours and at some point I just started skipping forward to see if anything interesting happened. It didn't.

    The renders are whatever, seen the same thing a million times by now, the story is predictable but it somehow drags on and on and on. The dialogue is annoying, especially whenever the loli characters are involved.

    I was actually kind of excited to play as the bad guy, it's certainly a nice departure from the typical teen-aged doormat most games call a protagonist, but the character doesn't have any depth. He literally has voices in his head that apparently decide most of what he does, which means there's no agency there, no greater goals, just some guy drifting through life and molesting everything with a pulse along the way.

    TL;DR: it's a bore and a waste of a premise
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Loved it, nice mix of fetishes and certain skippable moments, sex scenes are well paced and spread out (pun intended), with a pretty good story, not anything life changing, but enough to not get bored when reading between any sexy times, I definitely look forward to more, definitely worth a look even if you're not too into ntr
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Good game, the story is simple but well written and fun and the MC fulfills the proposal of being a bad guy. As for the design, I'm not a fan of 3D games because sometimes the art is a little inconsistent in relation to the scenario, but during the game I didn't find anything that shows that the developer paid attention to these details. I believe that if the game follows this path, it has everything to be an excellent game.