Tutorial Bypass Google Drive Quota Limits


Mar 14, 2017
If you try to download a file from a google drive and it tells you:

Sorry, you can't view or download this file at this time.
Too many users have viewed or downloaded this file recently. Please try accessing the file again later. If the file you are trying to access is particularly large or is shared with many people, it may take up to 24 hours to be able to view or download the file. If you still can't access a file after 24 hours, contact your domain administrator.
you can simply press the 1546911639816.png button in the upper left corner of the page to add it to your drive. Go ahead and click 'organize' to be taken directly to your drive.

Once it is in your drive, if you try to download the file it will again tell you that the quota has been exceeded. Oh Google, you are so smart.

Well, turns out that you simply make a copy of the file in your drive and this will have the quote restriction removed.
You do this by right clicking the file in question and selecting 'make a copy'.


The copy is created instantly.

But what if the link has a direct download link instead of the normal share link. The difference is the white screen vs. the black screen.
Normally you start with the black (" "),
then are taken to the white (" "),
where 'FILE_ID' is the 33 character google drive id number

Well, simply take the file id from the white page, and place it in the other format.


New Member
May 14, 2018
I thought of this when the normal bypass doesn't work anymore back then. but it still says "Quota Exceeded".

But now it works. Thanks for reminding me.!
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May 14, 2017
I thought of this when the normal bypass doesn't work anymore back then. but it still says "Quota Exceeded".

But now it works. Thanks for reminding me.!


There is a much simple solution. Just access to a google drive link through your web browser, while being logged in a google account. That bypasses the limit. The limit is set for anonymous users, but never appears for registered users.


Jan 28, 2018

There is a much simple solution. Just access to a google drive link through your web browser, while being logged in a google account. That bypasses the limit. The limit is set for anonymous users, but never appears for registered users.
Actually, it does. I encountered it the other day. I was able to bypass it using Zendrive.ru, however.


Jul 6, 2017
Some things have changed or I'm just an Idiot and don't know how to read.
- I can only create shortcuts
- I know how to right-click on it and lead me to the real file, to make a copy BUT:
it always says Error creating "Copy of ... "


New Member
Jul 19, 2021
Some things have changed or I'm just an Idiot and don't know how to read.
- I can only create shortcuts
- I know how to right-click on it and lead me to the real file, to make a copy BUT:
it always says Error creating "Copy of ... "
I think google have changed something. The above workaround no longer seems to work. I've also tried many different files with the same issue :(