returning player looking around the world, lots of tls, umbral soul cast in the attendance it's nice those are two of my favorite rpgm game (even if one don't have any fap scene in it

), btw while going around doing mostly nothing but follow the included walkthrough ... werewolf prevent the blackjack ^^(as i'm trying a run without being dominated/braincleanned it's nice :3 ) and fuck this old pervert did you see his equipement Oo old bat got some mithril shit and (seemingly) high lvl stuff on him ... but only one spell ... that feel disgracious somehow >< sure he should present himself as belthazar, the archmage of justice practionner of advanced magic and master of thunder >< (except he can use his spell 25 time too many for it to atualy fit completely) and sure as hell he can't say he is a red demon but you know the feeling
the ggdoc is a crime against comon sense btw ^^