This is a good game I am awaiting the update the next part in the main questline as well as a few others like black garden and serenity circle and collars rebirth and carnal instint pregnancy system but I doubt any new updates are going to be added on here until the servers are fixed.
Are you sure you have the right game? Some of these don't sound like they are part of my game at all!
I'm getting a green screen whenever I start the game, and I don't know what's going on. Any help would be great.
Maybe you didn't notice my reply last time, so here it is again (I'll add more questions, to try and identify the issue):
Mmmh, I never heard this one before. Does this happen for other versions of the game, or for other RPG Maker VX Ace games? Did it use to work fine? Are you on windows, or are you using some emulation to run it on mac or on a smartphone? Which version of windows?
Did you install the RTP? It's linked in the first page, under the "instructions" tab.
How does the green screen look like? Is it the entire screen, or just the game's window? Do you get any sound/music? Any error messages?
Are you playing on a laptop? Do you have a graphic card or is it integrated graphics?
Without other details, this sounds like a problem with your PC specifically. Do you by any chance have access to another PC where you could try the game? I'd also try downloading any other RPG Maker VX Ace (you can find free ones on the internet easily) to see if the problem happens with other games, and not just mine.