I see. I guess I could consider adding some maps to the walkthrough, it doesn't seem like a huge amount of work. No promises though, I hate working on the walkthrough already as it is.snip
As for the speed, you'd be surprised at how uncomfortable it might be for some, although the game also has walking, so between that and dashing it could be fine. Still, I am not going to go back and mess with the puzzles. There aren't that many that involve movement and strict timing, but they are numerous enough that it would be a real nuisance to recalibrate, so I'll keep the speed as it is.
You can however change the speed in-game, if you are willing to use my debug tool (it's the item called "travel sphere" in the key items of the inventory). Make sure you save before using this, just in case you interact with something you shouldn't, but in the first room you are teleported to, you should find a copy of the protagonist to the north-west, and it allows you to set the movement speed to either "normal" or "fastest". You might have to re-do this every now and then, because sometimes I change the player's speed for cutscenes and other reasons, and afterward it's set back to normal.
Again, you'd be surprised, but a decent number of players actually like my games more for the story and the gameplay, as weird as it sounds! XD