in another nine hundred and ninety-nine years, we're gonna get version .999999999999999998z and then, maybe then, we'll finally get the 1.0I knew that it would happen! Now at least 9 more releases till the Complete game![]()
I tried adding a gallery of some sort at one point, but it was too late into development, and it was proving to be too time-consuming, so I have dropped the idea. Lesson learned for future games.Apologies if I'm mistaken this for another game.
Has the gallery ever been updated since its been added?
Not even when you become a werewolf, which is to say, I am afraid not.Five minutes into this game and I'm already disappointed. Of all the 'options' it supposedly has, can we 'transform' her into having some pubic hair?
I knew that it would happen! Now at least 9 more releases till the Complete game![]()
The next version is 0.99991?
The next version is going to cause a buffer overflow, and we'll go into negative another nine hundred and ninety-nine years, we're gonna get version .999999999999999998z and then, maybe then, we'll finally get the 1.0
hey, is it possible that you'll return and finish the gallery too after you complete the game? or there won't be any gallery at all? (not officially atleast, perhaps someone wants to mod it but idk)I tried adding a gallery of some sort at one point, but it was too late into development, and it was proving to be too time-consuming, so I have dropped the idea. Lesson learned for future games.
Here you go.Could you post a screenshot of the folder where the game.exe file is?
Well, if patrons want more Caliross post 1.0, I can probably ask them if they want the feature, but unless that's the case, I wouldn't count on it. If someone wanted to mod it, it would be fine by me (I'd happily add it to the official game as well, if they were cool with that), but I can't imagine anyone taking on the job, as it would be a boring slog (you have to comb each map for events, strip the logic out of the scenes, and then present them to the players in a reasonable fashion). It's not impossible, but it's really tedious and I bet it would take me at least two months of doing nothing but that, likely more.hey, is it possible that you'll return and finish the gallery too after you complete the game? or there won't be any gallery at all? (not officially atleast, perhaps someone wants to mod it but idk)
There can be no 1.0, only .999999xWell, if patrons want more Caliross post 1.0....
These are the version numbers that never end. It just goes go on and on my friend. MDQP started numbering it, not knowing what it was. And he'll continue numbering it forever, just because....these are the version numbers that never end.When is this game projected to be finished?
You can find the other half in the slums, inside the temple (it's well hidden, though). For now, you can only use it to gain access to the Zanark library as an alternative if you can't find a rare book, but I plan at least one more use for it.Semi-spoiler-question, the previous changelog mentioned something about there being a second half to the music sheet? Where would I find that, and what does it do exactly? I found what I think would be the first part in the hidden basement behind the pub in Tarkas.
I hope to get it done in 2-3 months for the basic 1.0. More updates after that might come if patrons are interested.What comes after 0.9?
What comes after 0.99?
What comes after 0.999?
When is this game projected to be finished?
Thanks for letting me know. I'll fix it for version 0.9993, unless I push a hotfix for 0.9992 between now and next month.Found a minor bug, after you leave the warehouse in new quest and turn off the light before exiting, everything goes darker, and goes back to normal after you turn on the lights. Sleeping also makes it go back to normal.
You can use "W" (assuming you are using the default keybindings). CTRL is used to hide/unhide the dialogue there a skip option with ctrl or similar?
We'll see how things go. I am considering taking a month off once I release 1.0, and we'll see about post 1.0 content with the patrons.So many version numbers.. haha
Don't get me wrong though, you've steadily been working on this game, keep it up!
I hope you do continue working on this game to round out some paths after 1.0 release
Might be a bit off-topic, but what is the word on TotDC2?
Thank you sir! Is there a way to change keybindings?You can use "W" (assuming you are using the default keybindings). CTRL is used to hide/unhide the dialogue box.