Also, just to let everyone know where I stand, since it was brought up: obviously, I release a public version every month hoping to not have the Patreon version leaked. I figured it would be a fair arrangement, but some do want to play everything right away (and don't want or can't support me for whatever personal reasons they might have).
Short of trying to do something stupid like sue the website (which is way too extreme, and wouldn't even be practical, probably), I don't think I can do anything, and I don't want to force anyone either (I have pirated my fair share of games, when I was too poor to afford them, when a game had no demo available, to see if it would run on my system without paying first for it, etc). I'd still think the public version would cover most issues players who pirate could have, but evidently not. XD
So of course I am not happy about it, but I am not about to buy a warship to hunt down pirate vessels. Feel free to imagine my frowny face whenever you pirate my game, or whatever.