I'm going to have to somewhat disagree here but that's probably because I think the genre can do soooo much better than this. The early Black Monkey Pro games popularized the genre, as far as I'm concerned. I loved that shit back in the day and I'll admit a little piece of my died when the group broke up. The problem with many of these yaoi games, in my opinion, is that they're shallow. I'm slowly playing through Camp Buddy now between working on my own game and I chose Hiro's route first. While Camp Buddy has significantly improved story over the previous BMP works, the characters are still sorta flat and the dialogue is really juvenile and basic. To prophesize that someday someone will do something equal to this sets a pretty low bar. As far as I'm concerned, the genre can only improve. Camp Buddy is a significant improvement over the past works of BMP by a longshot. I was an early supporter of Seiyuu Danshi on Kickstarter but then once it started fleshing out, the dialogue was (again) juvenile at best.
@Fenric Andrias already noted some of the concerns about Camp Buddy and we need to keep in mind that this is over two years of development here. Plus, the game still isn't complete and they delayed some parts of the original release and plan to add it in later.