VN Ren'Py CAMP Dev Thread


New Member
Jun 7, 2024
Hey, long time lurker and occasional poster on my normal account, but I'm shifting off of that one and onto this one because it has the name I want to use for development. I recently cooked up an idea for a game, and after a few months of learning to use Daz, writing up my story outline, and the script for the first release of my game, I'm finally starting up on the render process. Just wanted to get opinions on my main cast before I got too deep. Hope you guys like them, I'm trying to avoid using assets I haven't purchased yet, so sorry if the outfits or hair styles look a bit shabby or familiar!

For some insight into the game itself, the current working title is Counselors Are My People, however I'm more attached to the acronym than the official working title. For all intents and purposes I refer to the project itself as CAMP and that's all it's ever been to me. The story revolves around your character taking a job as a counselor at a summer camp that had previously been destroyed by a large storm. The timeline of the game covers the two weeks before reopening as you get to know the other counselors and their history while putting the finishing touches on the campgrounds. Your character is the only newcomer, replacing the previous wilderness survival course instructor, who the other counselors are hesitant to speak about at first. There's a bit of mystery to that character and how he impacts the deeper themes of the games planned story, so I don't want to divulge too much on those themes quite yet. The initial release covers a very short time before getting hired, and the first day of arriving at the camp.

Planned tags for the initial release are VN, Ren'py, 3dcg (obviously), male protagonist, romance, comedy, animated, groping, handjob, oral sex, vaginal sex, and teasing. Two of the three sexual encounters in the first release are dream sequences because, while the game will feature some obviously accelerated relationship timelines, I wanted to give the characters at least a day to get to know each other before they started fucking. The second release will likely have four sexual encounters with my planned relationship progression, and future releases will aim to have at least 5 per release. The game also contains sandbox elements for interactive events.

Future tags include anal sex, virgin, creampie, exhibitionism, and masturbation, and distant future (towards the latter third of the story) include lesbian and group sex, although all relationships remain strictly optional.

No mini-games to try to flex my skill at renpy, no time based events or anything fancy, I want the game to be simple and accessible. Future and distant future tags remain flexible as I do plan to eventually poll users on what they're looking for, however the game will never feature any form of NTR, and any pregnancy wouldn't be feasible within the timeline of the game's story.

As for brief character summaries, from left to right.

Mary : The camp's craft counselor, shy and quiet they're a bit of a shut-in and are initially hesitant to reunite with the other counselors.
Nikki : The camp's music counselor, she's got a dark sense of humor and can tend to nerd out about music. She's got a bit of a rivalry with Jane, and is constantly trying to break Mary of out their shell.
Jane : The camp's medical director, she's not a nurse, don't call her that. She's incredibly self-confident and can be a pretty huge flirt.
Main Character : This is the player character. Personality is a bit flexible, as there are choices to be made in game, however he's driven, experienced in the outdoors, and is ready to do what it takes to impress the other counselors before the camp opens.
Olivia : The camp's physical fitness instructor, she's incredibly bubbly and cheerful, as well as highly competitive. She's trying her best to push Fiona to do more for the camp, and her and Ellie are incredibly close.
Ellie : The camp's swim instructor, she can be quite cold and guarded, especially when it comes to the other counselors. She'll warm up to the player over time.
Fiona : The current camp director, she can be kind to a fault and is trying her hardest to put on a good face for the counselor's who work for her despite being worried that the camp won't be ready in time.
Kurt : The player's roommate and the camp's chef. He tries to keep things light and is constantly looking out for the other counselor's at the camp.

I can't divulge much more about these character's motivations without unraveling the mystery the first release aims to set up, so that's all I'm willing to say about them for now.
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New Member
Jun 7, 2024
What's up everyone, figured I'd start a weekly check-in here, share progress and preview shots each week, the kind of stuff that I'll eventually move to patreon once I have an actual product to get into your hands. As of right now the script for the first release sits at around 100 pages, or 20,000 words. This includes a couple CG descriptions and the speaker notifier, so excluding those the first release is probably somewhere between 16000-18000 words. I've got a few scenes prepped from my initial time learning DAZ, so some render weeks (like this one) may be a bit faster than others. I'm currently working so I don't get to commit as much time to this game as I'd like, but hopefully one day down the line that'll change.

For actual progress this week, I've rendered the first scene in the script, around 6 pages of content, as well as the first part of the second scene, which itself is split across two locations. I already had the initial scene prepped and ready to go so not much time was spent there, however the second scene's A location was completely redesigned, and the B location needed to be built from the ground up, both of which have been completed. In total I've completed 96 renders, 6 of which need to be re-rendered due to forgetting to tweak camera settings. I also have completed an additional 18 pre-renders which are ready to go tonight while I sleep.

In all I'm happy with my first week of progress. I'm saving the animating and lewd scene shooting for the final updates before release because I want to gain as much experience working with DAZ as possible before shooting those scenes, and want to be sure I get as much input from you guys as I can along the way! Hope you all enjoy this weeks preview shots, even if they're a bit boring!


Engaged Member
Jul 4, 2017
You'd do well to add some more context about your game to your first post, rather than just talking about your plan to make "a game". Title, plot summary, character info, planned genre tags.