Ren'Py - Campus Bonds [v0.1.1] [MCVisualNovels]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    still short but promising so far, need some font and background update because some of the text its kinda hard to read but its just minor.
    story wise still very early, its not fair to judge its an intro pretty much andI like it.
    Music was swell
    the girls are great have a lots of type lmao overall is great.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Campus Bonds just feels lifeless and uninspired.

    As people have said in other reviews the game just has this ever present feeling of other collage focused games. BAD comes to mind a ton and i cant stop thinking about how i would just be better off replaying BAD instead of continuing to play this. Dev you gotta put a new spin on things, you cant just do the same thing and expect people to not feel the way i feel.

    Plot starts really weird and awkward. He meets his friend at collage and immediately starts partying in a apartment... Nobody has collage parties in a apartment..... its so awkward...

    On the positive side the girls look pretty great. It looks like thats where all the work went for the visuals because everything else is very undercooked. The men all look the same, i facepalmed when i saw the same character all together in the same room. 4 guys had the same face it was just different skin colour and clothing. The backgrounds look super overlit or underlit, i dont know the exact reason as to why they look weird but its very overwhelming.

    try to make something unique. if you wanna make a campus game, atleast try to actually understand what a collage is.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Great start dude! There's a lot of potential here.

    Gotta bunch of sexy af women with different personalities.
    Good looking protag that ain't a midget.
    Fun story with meaningful choices.

    No major issues with the game. Maybe some of the conversations can be improved. Protag saying golly was a bit weird. Don't think I've ever heard a guy seriously talk like an old Disney character.

    Anywaaaay! Keep it up! I'm looking forward to the next update.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    Positive points: It is better than I imagined, it is a well-crafted VN, it uses techniques from other more popular VNs (which doesn't seem bad), It has good renders, decent animations.

    Negative: Try to be very aggressive and extremely obvious, something that is not, We all know what popular VN we are talking about, which means that comparisons simply begin to arise automatically (in negative ways and with a significant degree of cringe)

    I give it two stars, not only because it uses the blueprint in a way that almost borders on the copy right of another very popular product, but also because the music is honestly horrible, you have to put less music with voices, and something that is more enjoyable to listen while you are reading the script and trying to enjoy your work.

    Last negative point, the characters, including especially the MC, look generic and lifeless, they look like mannequins, you need to work a little more on postures, expressions, and try to only use one style of assets on the characters, sometimes characters looks like a Genesis 9, and suddenly you see another that looks like a Genesis 3, and the truth is that it is very shocking.

    Conclusion: You have a good base, my recommendation is that you need to stop trying to imitate that visual novel which we all know what it is, put less shocking and unlikable music, Improve the design of your characters (try to make them all Genesis 8.1 or higher), they need to look less generic and not look so similar to each other, Improve expressions, make postures look more natural, and don't place so many love interests, less is always more, good luck.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    The story is good hopefully it will evolve to a better story in the future. The character design are great with a good size of bust and ass unlike some games with over exxagerated breast and butt. The free roaming of the game is well place and the photos are place on the right where it is not easy to find but not so hard that you give up looking. My only major proble is that the animation in sex scene is not good especially the expression of the ladies during the intercourse. Thw kissing scene animation is not that bad but I hope that their eill be a part that the guy will pull the girl for a kiss not automatically the kissing scene
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    There is inspiration and there is rip-off, this one unfortunately is the latter. It's a plagiarism of the most popular porn game and it offers nothing unique, there's zero effort put into the story, character creation or anything really. Renders are good and animations are decent and it's the only reason I'm not rating it lower.

    So far there's not much content either although that's to be expected since currently it's v. 0.1. For me it goes on ignore list though because almost nothing here is good and sandbox/free-roam gameplay is too annoying (it's not the worst I've seen but everything screams "I'm a rip off").

    4/10 game IMO..
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    Promising for a brand new release.

    Every character looks good, if not great and there is nice music throughout above the usual generic affair.

    There are a few noticeable spelling errors and the lewd scenes are decent but come a little fast for my tastes. These are both minor issues to me for how early in development this game is. I also want to give the story more time before forming an opinion but it seems like there's some effort being made to set up and tease things already which I like.

    Definitely keeping an eye on this and will update my review as updates release.