Version Played: 0.27
Time Played: 2.5 hours, reached the end of all content
Gallery mode: No, but most sex scenes seem to be repeatable
Walkthrough: In-game hint system
To invoke an old cliche, if you were to look up "mediocre adult game" in the dictionary, this game would be the definition.
From setting (uni student), to graphics (old-ass DAZ3D renders), to sexual content (vanilla MF with oral, vaginal and anal with a planned incest tag! can't forget your MC's horsecock either) I struggle to think of a game more aggressively middle of the road.
That said, while familiarity breeds contempt, it can also bring comfort, as the game is a supremely "comfortable" experience.
+ MC is likable (though can be something of a doormat) and occasionally has a good quip
+ Some decent love interests
+ Sex is always consensual and the participants enjoying of it
= Sandbox
- Very dated renders
- Cliche plot and situations
- While not grindy in the sense of getting money or stats, you do have to grind out times in going to certain times of day or even days of the week, which is repetitive
- While there are some different body and facial types (including some, frankly traditionally unattractive traits), this is one of those games that bafflingly seems to think that every woman (including the girl from the ultra-conservative Islamic country and the naive childhood friend) shave that shit bare.
So, at the end of the day, there's no real hook here or outstanding feature that makes you want to come back for more. That said, I understand there is a certain level of comfort that comes from a familiar setting, experience and tropes and sometimes, you just want vanilla without any toppings. My enjoyment mainly came from the fact that the game wasn't asking much more of me than to click and enjoy the familiar faces and experiences that, at this point, are anything if not tried and true.
Note to devs: Where to start... Allow more agency in how MC can interact with the LIs. Less time grindy progression. Persian/Farsi is spoken in Iran, not Arabic.
Time Played: 2.5 hours, reached the end of all content
Gallery mode: No, but most sex scenes seem to be repeatable
Walkthrough: In-game hint system
To invoke an old cliche, if you were to look up "mediocre adult game" in the dictionary, this game would be the definition.
From setting (uni student), to graphics (old-ass DAZ3D renders), to sexual content (vanilla MF with oral, vaginal and anal with a planned incest tag! can't forget your MC's horsecock either) I struggle to think of a game more aggressively middle of the road.
That said, while familiarity breeds contempt, it can also bring comfort, as the game is a supremely "comfortable" experience.
+ MC is likable (though can be something of a doormat) and occasionally has a good quip
+ Some decent love interests
+ Sex is always consensual and the participants enjoying of it
= Sandbox
- Very dated renders
- Cliche plot and situations
- While not grindy in the sense of getting money or stats, you do have to grind out times in going to certain times of day or even days of the week, which is repetitive
- While there are some different body and facial types (including some, frankly traditionally unattractive traits), this is one of those games that bafflingly seems to think that every woman (including the girl from the ultra-conservative Islamic country and the naive childhood friend) shave that shit bare.
So, at the end of the day, there's no real hook here or outstanding feature that makes you want to come back for more. That said, I understand there is a certain level of comfort that comes from a familiar setting, experience and tropes and sometimes, you just want vanilla without any toppings. My enjoyment mainly came from the fact that the game wasn't asking much more of me than to click and enjoy the familiar faces and experiences that, at this point, are anything if not tried and true.
Note to devs: Where to start... Allow more agency in how MC can interact with the LIs. Less time grindy progression. Persian/Farsi is spoken in Iran, not Arabic.