Can I ask for some opinions on a Mobile Suit Gundam inspired visual novel?

Oct 8, 2019
I consider myself a writer and an aspiring game developer who is working on my first project. However, my mind tends to come up with all sorts of ideas when I am bored and this got me thinking about a second project should my first be a success. No guarantees there but I still thought I would ask for opinions.

Anyway, exactly as the title states, what is everyone's opinion on a Mobile Suit Gundam inspired Visual Novel. It would most likely be made as 3d in Ren'Py with missions/sorties moving the plot forward with a hub world that would function for the interactions between the player and the love interest. If you have played "The Deluca Family" then it would be like that, if not, then think Mass Effect. This idea would have a male protagonist as well as some RPG elements meant for skill checks. Keep in mind that this would still have to be "inspired by" but not an exact Gundam side story as I don't believe the copyright holders would like the idea given where they are currently marketing most of their products. But the idea would still feature all of the political theater, character drama, deaths, sex, and big-ass robot fights.

My other idea throws out the lewd content and moves to a 2d format to work as a dating sim. This one would feature no sexual content and be mainly made with a female protagonist in mind but given the series love affair with yaoi, I suppose it could be played from a male protag as well. This idea would basically take the setup from any of the "Dynasty Warriors Gundam" games to give the player the option to romance any character they would like from whichever series they like, just with all of them aged up to at least 18 because that is not a can of worms I am opening.

So does anyone like the ideas? I'm well aware that I should worry about my first before I think about my second, but given that I write a lot of short stories in my spare time and I love Gundam and the tragic stories it tells, I thought what would asking hurt? Thanks for any feedback.