Seeking Can you recommend me the best (completed) life simulator games (make money, get a job, get an education etc...)?


Mar 26, 2017
I've played many of them but I don't keep track of what I have and haven't played unfortunately.

Chloe 18 was pretty good. Mythic Manor was decent. Damn, I played a lot more but my memory is really shit, I can't recall their names.

The more recommendations the better. Thank you :)!


May 15, 2018
sadly there arent many :( think "girl life" is one of the best but still not perfect or maybe "Lifeplay" but this is far of beeing done


Active Member
Jun 4, 2017
My Cute Roommate its finished and have education making money building character nice models good animations tits shaking and all that previously called my cute cousin now its known and you will find it under "My Cute Roommate" from Astaros3D also at the moment i play another game from him "Girl House". Try them both are solid My Cute Roommate its finished the other have solid amount good luck!


Engaged Member
Sep 19, 2020
it is not that clear what exactly do u want
u describe something which will fit html/qsp games (with realporn) girls life, evil 2...

u mentioned 3Drendered sandboxes, and some of them (in a way) have that, so start with something popular, check screenshots .
manor afaik is trainer/manager sandbox. that should be close to something like harem hotel
is in different category for me, more like typical quest-based sandbox with fem mc. yeah, i guess it can be described as fem life sim ...because of the settings and quests attached (not because of some free roam) . maybe u would want something like fashion buisness p2
or maybe something like man of the house ...
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