--7/7/2020 EDIT --
This is my second edit to this review as I tried out v0.14. adding another star to the review bringing it up to 3 for now.
Already in just a few updates this game has made significant progress. The game is a little bit grindy but no longer feels overwhelmingly so. The lewds start coming in at a decent rate early enough but there seems to be more to unlock as you keep going. Exactly what you want from this type of a game. The plot is a bit banal, but, come on it's a lewd game. The video controls and graphic choices are much better since v0.1 but could still use from compression to shrink the file size of the download.
As of right now, I'd say if you're into interracial porn and HTML games this one is worth a check out for sure. I'll be keeping an eye on it.
--end 2nd edit--
I have to say while we're supposed to review the game and not the developer, I think it's a great sign that Clowpron both messaged me about my concerns in this review, and has quickly made changes to address some of the concerns in my review below. I will absolutely be re-reviewing this game again in a later build. Good dev.

--end edit--
v0.1 review
Could be a potentially great game... but has some work to go before then.
What I saw as a mixed bag. There's a lot of potential there for a good HTML game that's marred by some odd choices and also unfinished potential. First off, it's a strange choice to only allow the players to play as a black MC, BUT also let them select white MC, just not go forward with it. (remove the link that lets you select white).
There's some weird file sizes, like your apartment building image taking up almost 90% of the screen on a 1920x1080 resolution monitor, forcing you to scroll down EVERY time you go to that screen to get to the options (which you do, a lot). Change the image and file size, we don't need to see high rez graphics in an HTML game of the outside of our apartment building. It just slows down the game play.
On that note, work on reducing file size, the download size of the v.1 file is multitudes larger than even complete html games.
Finally the time management system is insipid. Most games of this type offer you a benefit of some sort if you do mundane tasks like shower. This game punishes you for doing so.... or not doing so. Basically you have to shower (which you should do anyways) and if you do you lose a chunk of time. But then that ties into the other problem which is for some bizarre and insane reason if you go too late into the night you permanently LOSE some of the stats you've been grinding. If you include a 'back' button in your game, it's because you understand that players make mistakes and want them to undo your choices..... but not with this stat loss? It's just an insane design choice that punishes players for no reason.
Finally, I was 'playing' for about an hour, grinding grinding grinding, and saw maybe 2 lewds. 1 the first time I lost stats to overtired, a 2 minute long video with no controls to move forward or rewind, and one time a jpg of a woman flashing her pussy and giving me the middle finger. Again there's a reason that most html games keep to shorter video clips.
Wrapping up I feel like there's some potential here. But some of the design choices are very poor in my opinion and the game needs a lot of work. Personally I'd give version 0.1 a pass and maybe check in after the dev has done some work on it.