Ren'Py Can't find audio file.

Sep 22, 2021
It works fine for me in both Ren'py and via any number of media players. The only thing that really makes sense here is the code indentation. Though I suppose it's entirely possible the download of the file itself was corrupted.
Nah didn't need indentation i just used too many .mp3
Sep 22, 2021
I see your issue, I think. In your code above, after "label start", you need to hit tab on the new line before writing the code. Same goes for any new label.

Like so:

View attachment 3783513

Edit: As an FYI, Pixabay doesn't allow adult content in their new license. Will they enforce it? Who knows. But something to be aware of all the same.
Wait really? where does pixabay say that? if that's true any tips on places to find music that can be used legally with hentai games?

It's also going to be a free game if that matters for legality.


I Was Once, Possibly, Maybe, Perhaps… A Harem King
Respected User
Game Developer
Aug 17, 2019
It'll probably serve you well to unhide file extensions in File Explorer. Open up a folder > Hit the three dots > Options > View > Uncheck "Hide File Extensions" (or something of that nature.). It'll save you from experiencing stuff like this in the future.

Wait really? where does pixabay say that? if that's true any tips on places to find music that can be used legally with hentai games?
You cannot use Content in any immoral or illegal way, especially Content which features recognisable people.
. Pretty sure this is the Canva influence over the platform now.

That being said, there are a decent number of sites that allow usage with adult content. The biggest being FreeMusicArchive. Just pay attention to licenses. You'll want to stick with CC-BY 1.0 (Public Domain), 3.0, 4.0, and anything with ShareAlike should be theoretically fine. You'll want to get familiar with attribution styles as well.

It's always smart practice, for anything with a CC (Creative Commons) license, to screenshot the page where you got it with the license clearly visible and save it. This covers your ass in the event that an artist decides to pull it from the public domain and come after you with Copyright Infringement. A CC license is irrevocable, and in most cases, showing them said screenshot will remove any ground they have to do so. It's unlikely to happen (sans YouTube), but it's always smart to have that layer of protection.

If you're looking for something paid, is rather cheap and one of the few paid platforms who openly allow usage in adult content. It's basically that or paying $2500/year for Universal Productions Music or AudioNetwork.

Turning Tricks

Rendering Fantasies
Game Developer
Apr 9, 2022
Just a couple of observations... Ren'py is case dependent in many things. Maybe not audio or image files but for sure in labels and statements and what not. So it's a good practice to use the same file naming conventions all the time.

Also, Ren'py is continually evolving and some things that worked a year or two ago, might not work on the newest versions. In the recent versions of Ren'py, they suggest you define audio files using the define audio.track1 = "audio/track1.mp3" format.

There's a couple of advantages for defining audio files. First, it allows you to use descriptive file names but then simplify what name to call them. It also saves you having to type full file path names and extensions (like "audio/rock_ambient_long.mp3" can be just "rock1" when you call it, for example)

Also, Ren'py creates the defines at Init time and scans your directory to make sure they are present, so a missing audio file will throw an error right at start-up, rather then 2 hours later when you reach that point (if you didn't define the audio file)
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Sep 9, 2019
So it's a good practice to use the same file naming conventions all the time.

Also, Ren'py is continually evolving and some things that worked a year or two ago, might not work on the newest versions. In the recent versions of Ren'py, they suggest you define audio files using the define audio.track1 = "audio/track1.mp3" format.
I very much agree in making all filenames lowercase. Particularly as Ren'Py lowercases Make things simpler for yourself. I would have an audio filenaming scheme that takes advantage of that. It's somewhat similar to what it does for images except the audio filenames need to be expressable as Python variables (valid name) (e.g. no spaces, operators, start with a numeral) for it to work. Lint will still cry about it if the variable doesn't exist/resolve to a file.

With your simplified example you wouldn't even need the explicit define as Ren'Py would already do the same thing for you.