Identify Can't remember the name of the game


New Member
Mar 3, 2023
Hi all, this is my first time posting, so please bear with me. I've been trying to find the name of this AVN for days now but to no avail. Played it a while back, so I don't remember much.

As far as I remember, the MC is driving to a resort hotel with his gf. He had been there before with a friend several years back and this place brings back a lot of memories. The game features a series of flashbacks of the MC hanging out with the aforementioned friend and two girls. If I recall correctly, they also played a drinking game, but I don't remember which one. There was also a scene where the masseuse gave MC head.

I know this is very vague, but that's all I can remember. Any help would be much appreciated.

P.S. Not a honey select game.