Identify Can't remember this game


New Member
Sep 2, 2023
I played a game about 6 months ago. I can't really remember much other than you played as a female protag and you had a blue bird who was like secretly a god or deity or something that would watch you while you shower. You would work for the mayor's office and clean the sewers. In the sewers there was a wolf monster thing that would watch you clean and masturbate. You lived with this guy and his girlfriend and were able to blow the boyfriend and do stuff with the girlfriend. There was also a perverted old guy that worked as a tailor that would grab your ass. I didn't get very far in the game because I forgot what it was called and couldn't finish it.

It wasn't like the best game, but I just want to beat it (both ways)

I can't remember for sure but I think it was a Renpy game. Not 100% sure on that though

Please help me figure out what it is called.