RPGM - Carnal Outbreak [v2024-06-05] [Mr. Heisenbergo]

  1. 3.00 star(s)

    deidra vg

    I find myself enjoying the game quite a lot up until it became apparent that trying to run this game on RPG Maker MV is not a good choice:
    - Either it's lack of fast dialogue skip + terrible save point placing behind slow cutscene followed right behind an instant death scenario
    - Poorly thought out chase sequence/tight timed minigame (Circuit puzzle need rework) that doesn't work well when there's an odd movement lag problem that cause the playerchar to stop moving for a half second that is needed to avoid INSTANT DEATH. Please consider that before making the puzzle super tight just to kick the player back before a cutscene.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Everything in this game serves one purpose, to waste as much of your life time as possible. Read a line of text, press a button, wait... an emote, wait... read a line of text, press a button, wait... a childish animation of bouncing tits, wait......

    Crawl through a hallway. You find a plant in your path. Cut the plant yes/no? You have to destroy the plant otherwise you can't move on, but the question alone stole two seconds of your time.
    Ok, so destroy the plant, wait... press the button, wait... a whole 5 times and that for 3 plants. These plants contribute absolutely nothing to the story, they just waste time.
    And because it works so well, the useless plants come back even more often.

    In this way, the developer manages to stretch 15 minutes of playing time into an hour. You just sit there and wait for it to continue.
    After 1 hour 40 minutes I gave up, what did I get out of the game until then? Nothing!
    1.40 hours of life wasted and no reward for progress.

    Added to this is the lack of mouse support, no free saving and the fixed save points are 30-45 minutes apart and the developer's fetish for quicktime events. However, Quicktime here means: wait, key, wait, key.

    Unfortunately, what was actually a good idea turns into a pain in the ass.
    I'm in my thirt......., I mean twenties, I don't have that much time left to waste.
    In the time it takes to play through this game, I could probably conceive a child, carry it to term and get it through elementary school.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Interrupted every two seconds for a long-winded tutorial that over explains every little detail. Interrupted every few seconds by the character needing to show her breasts bouncing up and down and to needlessly explain through multiple text boxes what you're looking at. If you decide to fail a check(they're all stupidly easy) you might just instantly die, which can send you back through tutorial hell.

    Art is also trash, something I could look past for serviceable gameplay but even the gameplay has annoying QTEs for "Aiming"(that gives you a warning so you're more than ready when you have to press the button)

    Too much bloat. I don't get why people try to change turn based RPG mechanics or treat every player like a toddler. Focus on just making the damn hentai game.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    -game's artwork
    -thematic elements reminiscent of Resident Evil
    -linear good storyline
    -slow combat pacing
    -tedious gameplay

    Overall, I enjoyed it. The gameplay could be better, but it's worth trying for the graphics and the straightforward story. Plus, the animations are pretty good for a game like this.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    3 stars -> 4 stars
    I just finished current version, and can tell, that game is really good. Even exceeded my expectactions (and i am "quite a picky eater").

    Animations are ok.
    Exploration is great
    Charm of game is wonderful
    And story is really intersting.

    Liteally only weaknesses of this game is how 'slow' (liteally. slow walk. slow 'talk-skip', slow 'scene acceleration') it is. The parts/puzzles were you are slowed down even more (where you carry somethign) just nearly popped my vein.
    Lack of save too. I understand the mood that it tried to bring, but, this lack of saveing (only safe rooms) was more of a nuisance than 'nice touch' to it - each save spot is around 45-ish minuites from one another, sometimes, we have to jsut leaaaaveeee maaaan - losing 30 min of game progress just because you had to shut it down really is annoying :D -minus one star only for that. otherwise, easy 5 star. Maybe make it optionalon game begining? like call it "casual/realistic" modes?

    Final 'idea/problem' i had was how often the game locks you out from previous rooms (doesnt allow to trace back). Some nice indicator (like last time, where character said 'there is no coming back after this jump') would be great! I still dont know if i didnt miss too much of content just because "i chose wrong door"

    I will definitely keep an eye on this game. I enjoyed it greatly
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    Allow me to save when I fucking want. Too bad I can't give 0 stars, the game deserves it for this alone. No possibility to play with the mouse is another major red flag. Having the ability to fast forward the text is simply not enough to make replaying parts more bearable.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has managed to land directly in my strike zone. Most games I like tend to land pretty close, but never manage to tick more than a few of my boxes.

    This game flies in at mach 5 right down the goddamn middle.

    Realistically, this game won't be for everyone, but it's got almost everything I want in an H-game so far.

    Reluctant submission to monsters? Check.

    Gradual corruption that feels believable due to the benefits it provides the heroine? Check.

    Smart/Sexy dialogue that references previous events and maintains a dubious consent feeling? Check.

    Creates situations that actually ask the player to think before they act without being completely annoying? Check.

    No side characters that destroy the mood and force you to suspend your disbelief that they'd just watch while H-scenes happen? Check (though, Norman isn't my favorite NPC to see pop back up tbh. I'm here for the monsters.)

    I like the save system, as the stress of not wanting to die is 100% real, as you really feel the need to prevent damage when you never know when you're going to be able to save again. Though, I'd be happier if we had more methods for H-combat to further increase its role as an equalizer for Eveline.

    My only issues with this game at present are that it has a few moments that drag on just a little too long for the sake of the plot, the generator puzzle is just pain because you move way too damn slow, it doesn't have enough H-content, and it doesn't have enough H-content.

    I'm genuinely excited to see where this game continues to go, and I really hope the dev expands greatly on the submission and sexual harassment for Eveline.

    Edit: I do HIGHLY recommend you use MTOOL, or some other kind of speed hack, for this game though. The base speed is agonizing, and there are some sections in the upcoming update that I found pushed my patience to the limit even with no clip and speed hacks.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is.....amazing, I know alot of people complain about the fact that you cant always just save like other games on the engine, but the save system in the game gives this kinda hardcore feeling that makes it so much more better for me. The H animations are great, amazing,. The art style especially is what got me into this game and is also really great, a lot of people also take the constant jiggles as annoying but its not annoying for me(always nice to see them jiggle lol). The awesome physics in the H animations are also great, alot of games make the h scenes feel stiff. What I hope to seemaybe added in this game though is that maybe sometimes when you fail the quick time events, H scenes can play, was a little dissapointed that nth happens when you fail some of the quick time events. So far the story is also linear(which I prefer). Another thing that I HOPE to see in this game are teammates, I would have to prolly request this on the devs subsribestar but it might not be added as I feel like the dev is planning for Eveline to be the only playable character basically.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Great artwork and good core gameplay, it's a little lacking in content at the moment but has approximately 3-4 hours of play time (as of 2023-08-22 update).

    Would recommend a play but maybe wait a bit for more content to come out. Looking forward to seeing what more the dev implements.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    The story is pretty linear (Old Resident Evil parody duh!)
    Gameplay wise it is pretty interesting.
    Performance : plays well but the Fullscreen is janky (old RPGM due to computer restriction for dev)
    Animations are quite good :)
    About 2 hours of content
    The game is not finished as of now but it's quite promising I'd say.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    In an attempt to emulate survival horror in RPGM this game manages to set a record in wasting time.
    Literally every gameplay choice is for the worst.
    Limited saves. They work in resident evil because unlike RPGM combat and movent there is faster and more engaging. Here you dread "game over" screens because they mean reloading saves and wasting time skipping dialog, slowly walking and slowly fighting pixel frogs.
    QTE. Can work but not when they are so easy. No reason for QTE to exist they are impossible to fail. There is also no reason to fail them since there is no erotic CG or anything just game over. QTE only exist to make sure you aren't asleep.
    Strong opponents. It worked in RE games because there is skill involved, but here you just spam same actions in generic RPGM combat it's annoying and nothing more.
    Outside of gameplay things aren't better.
    Story. Generic RE variation, explore location fight monster/mutants etc.
    Porn. Very lackluster. Battle animations are slow and quickly become tedious (also older RPGM means can't skip them). Outside of battles there are barely any CGs.

    Overall wait for complete version and even then tread carefully.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Game might be a bit slow for some but im liking where it is going so far and cant wait to see what else the dev comes up with as this game develops. It can honestly be abit tricky to find a good female protagonist game like this that isnt too short or has been out for years at this point and isnt awaiting any sort of updates. Let alone the dev already planning for a sequel and an eventual remaster. Needless to say I am very excited and cant wait to see where this gem of a project goes
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game with good animations, atmosphere, and beautiful character design. The horror corruption theme is definitely a great treat for a guy like me and my only complaint is that it ends too soon. Definitely watching this thread for future updates.
  14. 3.00 star(s)



    It's a pretty good RPGM adaptation of (older?) Resident Evil games.
    But adapting sacrifices too much freedom and pacing.

    Slow chance based combat and expansive areas with rare save-spots is the core of this game.

    Due to turn based combat rather a maneuver reliant action confrontations, the fights end up slow instead of tense, using up a turn (and resources) to heal rather than actively retreat only makes sense in RPGM games, especially when you are forced to take or for some reason (usually) evade damage relies on chance rather than player interaction.

    The maps being pitch black or fully bright is a fairly jarring transition
    'Hidden' resources as RPGM props with no interaction is dumb- I noticed just 1 consistent resource object (broken vertical crate), others were bumbling around either getting exposition or getting annoyed by smashing into every tile.

    Poor item/skill descriptions- low damage of pistol is not the same as low damage of knife, low chance for bleeding is not at all a reliable description, healing items are a suggestion at most of what they are supposed to restore.

    This game is far too tedious for me and breast bounce turned into a repetitive comedic gag, no matter how good the art is.

    But hey, if you like very slow and limiting games with mostly hidden and sparse consumables, unclear damage / use indicators, you might like this.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Really appreciate the game so far!

    -Artwork is simple but nice.

    -QTE system is overall decent.

    -I like the Resident Evil style concept and pacing.

    Overall makes me want more : )

    One suggestion: Maybe for common enemies, the gun can 1 QTE kill and expend the number of needed bullets unless you want to do some other fun erotic skills.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    The game has a lot of potential! I like the art and animation, the plot is quite interesting, a bit like Resident Evil, the fight is a bit too slow, the saving system has not appealed to me so far, because if we lose the fight or fail the QTE, we start from the last save, and we can only save in designated places. Maybe some sex animations for bats and frogs or just replace them with other creatures, because so far they are just creatures that are supposed to take away some HP from us and there are no interesting interactions with them. It would be nice if some QTE failures also lead to some sex scenes :3 More sex animations would be nice, especially to add sex animations when we are defeated :3 It also hurts a bit that zombies completely ignore the fact that our character is dressed provocatively during the fight and only get excited when we use a provocative skill on them :c I am waiting for the next game updates of the adventure of our sexy policewoman. <3 <3 <3
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    Combats slow as fuck, the QTE feel like a good idea but in reality just make the combats boring...the pistol feel like a toy kid. It's an RPGmaker game, trying to make a save system with checkpoint is like shooting in the wheel of a disabled. no button to skip dialogs or the tutorials when you know already what to do or when it's obvious. Buuuuuuuuuuut the game has some good point, first i like the design of the arts, second i like the reference to resident evil, you got some point from me for that, but put some resident evil mechanics in a RPG maker like i said previously can ruin the pace and pleasure of the game. this is a first release soo gonna be ready to change my rating later.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    An excellent start to a game, I'm looking forward to seeing where this goes. Hoping you might consider adding a few scenes for failing certain QTEs or losing fights as well (The QTE after beating the licker dude comes to mind, where I thought that the failure was setting up for some kinky stuff while the girl was stunned from being knocked back...)
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    I like very much. The game and the concept have a lot of potential. I'm looking forward to more lewd content. Very good start. I would also like less combat content and more puzzles that can also be lewdly solved. I imagine this will be so when the story and character corruption progresses.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    I like the direction of this game. Keep it up. I appreciate the humor and the combat. It provides a fresh and new experience for this genre that I feel is underutilized. Will patiently await more content. Game dev seems he has a real passion for this.