Not going to finish this as there is a bit too much that needs polishing for me to not become frustrated at times. Good artwork and adult scenes though.
1. Base accuracy is too low, raise it. I should not be missing half my attacks, this slows the game to a slog whenever combat occurs which can be often depending on how claustrophobic the map is.
2. You should put one of the games many ropes, shovels, or any item in a distinct box right outside the MC's house or in it and then have a copy of that exact type of box in the armory to hint to the player visually, "Hey you want to get in here.", so they at least have an idea that they need to get by the guard. I was looking literally everywhere else for a weapon of any kind.
3. Quests that are not feasable should not be given. For example the Timothy quest when you have no chance of surviving it. Otherwise you get quest menu clutter and waste time trying to find the boy in the forest only to realize you cannot go further because you are not equipped to do the quest you were just given.
4. Quest menu font is black and near impossible to read.
5. Smoke bombs deplete on use but cluster bombs do not. Buy one and you have infinite cluster bomb.
6. Rework the cluster bomb to not be based on character stats but have a flat damage rate so the player can speed up early combat if he happens to loot everything and get loaded early. There is no point in buying a 25 gold bomb that does a quarter to a third of the damage your cleave attack does.
7. Smoke bombs effect of confusion did nothing most of the time.
8. The hunter who buys animal parts for way more than the townsfolk has an error when selling him stuff. It does not tell you how much you will make but how much you will lose when selling. Though it does in fact give you the gold despite the display saying it costs you to sell to him.
9. Why is the Hades bomb even an item? Is there a fight we need to lose somewhere in the game where I might be too powerful to even take damage and thus need to suicide? If not remove it and give a more useful item in the loot containers that have it or just give us the gold value so we don't have to waste time in menus to sell them. They are literally just padding at this point.
10. Gifts need more impact. There is no reason to spend gold on flowers that add 1 to affection when you can spam flirt the girl for 1 affection with kisses or hugs.
11. Equipment needs to feel higher impact. I see zero reason to use the sword or axe instead of the hammer because the attack difference actually allows for one or two less hits per enemy to win a fight, which is far more substantial than the defense gained from a shield or the agility from the sword. Try making the axe have a higher critical hit chance or the sword gets two attacks. Try making the moves they have access to more unique as well. Anything to justify not just using the war hammer as soon as I get it. Easy way to look at it below.
Sword and Board = My guy dies in 6 hits, my guy has to hit 3 times to beat an enemy.
War hammer = My guy dies in 6 hits, my guy has to hit 1-2 times to beat an enemy.
This is not balanced.
12. Healing items are garbage for how much damage you take per hit. They can hardly keep up or simply cannot keep up at all. Either buff defense or buff the healing from these items as they are mostly useless in combat save for the big potion.
13. Considering that Hog takes all your rat carcasses maybe don't have us need to farm up 25 more for the hidden village quest? I didn't even run into rats anywhere but in his cellar and was wondering how I was supposed to get more which led me on a massive manhunt to find rats as not one NPC or in game clue exists to give the player a hint.
14. Some items like fish have no description text and the cat you can feed has no feedback. A player will assume feeding the cat a complete waste of resources they could instead be selling. Other items like enemy drops have worthless descriptions that give no hint as to whether or not you should keep them for later use. This is not helped by the fact quests need some of these items.
15. Renovations should all be in the same place/location/menu. I should not be having to go to my cellar to fix it up from a sign there when I have to go to a sign in my fields to fix those and yet have to go to the lumberjack himself to even enable renovations and do the shed.
16. TP costs are too high for the amount you earn via attacks and getting hit. For one you would be dead if you tried to gain enough to use a single move from being hit, from attacking it takes six attacks, presuming they hit please fix the accuracy, to use a strong blow move. In practice it takes about 3 or 4. In other words the fights end before you build up TP during them. It's more like a bank you build up over encounters near a resting point so when you venture out further you have 100+ stocked up so you can blitz through fights without using too many resources. This made the cleave attacks the only ones feel worth using.
17. Penalizing the player for doing the good option is not wise. It's most noticeable on Alexia where you lose a massive pile of affection for not being evil when Alexia herself is obviously not evil. That makes no sense. I get she hates Kaali but that should not be such a big thing that it would make the player suffer for imprisoning her instead of killing her.
18. Eve randomly showing up at the inn getting gangbanged completely turns me off of her. Maybe lock that content behind a decision or event that obviously leads up to it? Especially since she was hitting on the MC saying how she wishes more men were like him just prior. Now she seems like a total two face who was leading the MC on. There really wasn't much to hint that this would happen or was part of her personality. She came across as a single mother looking for a man not a party slut.
19. Final issue is low to no impact level ups. I noticed that despite gaining four levels those levels did absolutely nothing for me general performance wise. I didn't even notice a change at all despite requiring so much time to level up. If you are going to have slow leveling like this those levels need to feel big not non-existent and with the TP/skill issues, they felt non-existent.