Played a bit and I have to write the game is promising to be something quite interesting to play, althrough in order to become something it will require of developer to do more thorough map and gameplay testing as, right now, moving around maps and fighting is more annoying than enjoying and it won't be saved by the (currently not so existing) story and those simple, yet nicely made maps and graphics of, a little digression, I am pretty jealous because mine looks like crap.
Maps, gameplay wise, are annoying to walk around. There is little to no room to actually move around in forest, caves, dungeons and sneak past enemies if you would like to avoid combat. Not to mention paths, on few maps, are pretty narrow and winding, sometimes with objects on them, making walking even more annoying. Yet, I have to write, once again, they look damn great and are, as far, pretty unique in thier own way.
Also, sometimes there is possible to just move the way it shouldn't be possible (like
Denchik12312 provided screens for) or to not be able to pass through objects you could pass (like stools in castle). And, especially at night, it is really, really hard to actually move around because it's way too dark.
Enemies, battle-wise, needs a bit of balancing. Rats should change stats with wolves as they are right now, at least in my opinion, too fast (on maps) dealing too much damage and there is way too much of them everywhere, while wolves are pretty weak.
As for quests, fetch quests are... bad. While I do understand gathering resources for a antidote, it doesn't make sense to send a guy, who is a first time in the swamp, to look for a weird water and a one in a milion shroom. Better, story-wise, would be to escort a local instead, probably with a enjoyable 18+ scene or two.
Smillar thing with the rats in the basement. Althrough the problem here is advancing time and forcing player to do it for... next four or more days to advance the quest further.
Also, lumberjack should let you pass further into the forest if you have weapon in your hand/inventory. I mean, I had this brand new battle axe from mole trader, yet I have to get a sword, because I was told to do so.
To paraphrase a nice guy who likes to call himself "The Senate": "I'll watch this game developement with great interest".