HTML - Abandoned - Celeste Blake – The Evindium Affair [v0.85] [Dracis3D]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    It has been over a year since this game was last updated, and as it stands it is abandoned & incomplete..
    However, it is memorable, and remains among the other games in my "Fucking Excellent" folder.
    It has a unique visual style and good writing.

    If you haven't played it before, you should try it.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    The game for me at this stage is near complete, there are some completed endings, unfinished routes and scenes. There are a lot different way you can start the game, if you are into scifi ,strong characters development , good writing and hot bdsm scenes, this html games is for you. There are not much grind, just all choices , how you interact with other npc affect Celeste and the characters as well. The story makes sense even though some endings might seem a bit sudden. I highly recommend this html vn if you don't mind reading words and ocassionally some pictures.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    The creator has been making a 5k word game for over three years.
    Has never released a version that was not hacked up and mutilated version of the one before, the next version wont have the content you enjoyed this play so be warned of that. The content is sporadic and dry.
    Creator thinks he/she is a maestro of gaming. Doesnt even work hard on own game. "Tips" are appreciated on top of the thousands it makes per month for doing nothing.
    You are looking at a original xxx game con.