Presenting the Chair Fucking Simulator.
This incredible artistic labor of love provides the user with unique and inspirational gameplay experiences coupled with a rich and soul-searching narrative as they relive - or encounter for the first time - the simple, yet deeply spiritual connection between a human and their sedentary resting device. Such riveting, oft-epiphanic transcendental life events, previously only achievable whilst supine, recumbent anterior to the earth, have been lovingly and painstakingly recreating by the authors of Chair Fucking Simulator, allowing generations worldwide to create cherished memories.
Perfect for any private or office environments, this magnificent feat of creative innovation and interactive, personalized storytelling concocts an extravagant bodily solace experience to both the user in repose and the high-energy professional paradigm of today. A luxurious union of opulent indulgence seamlessly combined with rich familiarity that both titillates and enriches.
Chair Fucking Simulator. Available now on Steam.