Hello, I apologize in advance for being a newbie. My problem is the following one:
I am trying to make a custom save and load screen, but thethumbnails are too small.
Apart from the mess, does anyone know how to resize the images? The code I use is the following:
I have tried to manually resize the images but nothing happens (using the numbers next to the coordinates). I have also tried to insert this at the beginning of the script (and nothing happens):
Thank you!
I am trying to make a custom save and load screen, but thethumbnails are too small.
Apart from the mess, does anyone know how to resize the images? The code I use is the following:
screen load():
tag menu
ground 'gui/load & save/load_idle.png'
idle 'gui/load & save/load_idle.png'
hover 'gui/load & save/load_hover.png'
selected_idle 'gui/load & save/load_sele.png'
selected_hover 'gui/load & save/load_idle.png'
cache False
alpha True
hotspot (195, 278, 100, 65) action FilePage(1)
hotspot (195, 358, 100, 65) action FilePage(2)
hotspot (195, 440, 100, 65) action FilePage(3)
hotspot (195, 527, 100, 65) action FilePage(4)
hotspot (195, 607, 100, 65) action FilePage(5)
hotspot (195, 688, 100, 65) action FilePage(6)
hotspot (420, 150, 450, 160) action FileAction(1):
use load_save_slot(number=1)
hotspot (420, 450, 450, 160) action FileAction(2):
use load_save_slot(number=2)
hotspot (420, 900, 266, 160) action FileAction(3):
use load_save_slot(number=3)
hotspot (845, 150, 265, 160) action FileAction(4):
use load_save_slot(number=4)
hotspot (845, 300, 263, 160) action FileAction(5):
use load_save_slot(number=5)
hotspot (845, 900, 268, 160) action FileAction(6):
use load_save_slot(number=6)
hotspot (1780, 30, 100, 100) action Return()
hotspot (1553, 180, 230, 70) action ShowMenu("load")
hotspot (1450, 280, 350, 95) action ShowMenu("preferences")
hotspot (1312, 400, 475, 85) action ShowMenu("characters")
hotspot (1445, 510, 333, 85)action OpenURL("https://www.patreon.com/user?u=51294394")
hotspot (1560, 625, 250, 85) action ShowMenu("main_menu")
imagebutton auto "gallery/pic/Button/back_%s.png" action Return() xpos 1560 ypos 780
screen load_save_slot:
$ file_text = "% s\n %s" % (FileTime(number, empty=" "), FileSaveName(number))
add FileScreenshot(number) xpos 11 ypos 43
text file_text xpos 55 ypos 10 size 20 color "#ffffff"
init python:
config.thumbnail_width = 120
config.thumbnail_height = 90
Thank you!
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