Others - Completed - Chaosrise [v1.0] [Multiworld Software]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Stability: No bugs that I could detect. Runs smoothly with no problems at all.

    Content: Plenty of enemies on decent-length levels. It'll keep you occupied for a while.

    Gameplay: An insane bullet hell. If you like that kind of thing, you'll have a blast- two characters, each with their own playstyle and special ability. You have to monitor your "ammo" on the right, but honestly I didn't find myself even getting halfway to empty on my main attack despite spamming it near-constantly. You have a lot of health and multiple lives- you'll need both, considering how difficult it is to avoid bullets even on the lowest difficulty setting. This type of game is definitely not for me, but I know there is an audience for it. From an objective standpoint, I'd say it seems to be very well put together- but again, it's hard for me to guage because this is not the kind of game I'd normally want to play.

    Aesthetics: Decent 2d art style, nice music- overall pretty well done, if not especially noteworthy, in my book.

    XXX: Still, un-animated gameover CGs, basically. A few dozen, given the number of different enemies, but ottherwise, no alternate shots or dialogue or anything in them. Bleh. Lots of monstersex, which is good in my book, but otherwise this category is easily the weakest for the game by far. If all you're interested in is the porn, ask someone to upload the CGs and be done with it. They're detailed, so if you don't mind the lack of animation, you might enjoy them.

    Overall: A great bullet-hell shmup for those that like them, but kind of a letdown in the XXX department. Give it a play if you like that type of game and want to test your dodging skills- otherwise, pass.