Character development and actions

User #1751331

Oct 30, 2019
I keep hearing and seeing the excuse they need to make female characters dumb to make it possible to see various scenes.
Frankly, that's a lame ass excuse. It shows a lack of imagination and mental development on anyone's part that believes such.

If you think every woman in the world is doing the shit they are doing because they are morons it makes you a bigger one.
By choice is by far the biggest reason women act the way they do. The reasons behind that choice may differ.
Most the sex workers in the world are in the job not because they couldn't do something else or that they were morons and duped into it or some crap.
They made a conscious choice to do so. From what I read on these forums coming out of members mouths a hole lot of them are smarter than a lot of the members by a long shot.
Sorry, if you feel that insulting to you. That's your own issue. I haven't targeted or pointed to anyone specific. So how you take it is an issue with your own personality dealing with your own short comings.

Women choose to get involved in sex work for various reasons. Some simply enjoy it vs what they can do in the carrier. I've met women with both master and Doctorates escorting and other areas. Many of them get into now doubt thinking about money.

On her most the games have some poorly constructed aspect that is supposed to compromise the woman's choices and she panics or thinks she has no other option.
When I say poorly constructed I mean they don't actually eliminate her choices by any real amount.
I can make a long list of games that employ this
Project sage, Fashion business, Anna EA, elena's life, Lida's adventure, and many more.

It seems to be the go to method for authors to try and justify a scene. It's as if they are incapable of thinking of another means to justify the female doing it.
In fact I would say it's to the point that the only type of women they can seem to handle in a plot for the most part is weak women who are incapable of thinking on their own.
Some games are worse than others. Take Lida's adventure that author at least does employ more than just that.
However, Fashion business the author is a one trick pony and I can't list another means used in the game.
Project sage the author seems to be torn between is she a slut or is she compromised.... Anna EA is much the same way. When she isn't compromised she's a slut or if the player chooses she is faithful.

Frankly, I haven't seen a game on here were the female character is strong intelligent and uses her sex appeal and so on to achieve a set of goals.
In short I haven't seen a female character portrayed as something more than a slut when it comes to using sex or a victim of some kind.

Female protagonist
Not simply a slut and not a victim
She has a clear defined set of goals and reasons.

1. Maybe she is doing so to pay for school, she has a degree plan and needs the money for education
2. Revenge ~ this could be get back stuff taken from her, vengeance against family member dying, being raped ....
3. A single mother between jobs
4. Get rich or carrier choice
5. support another person and their goals.
You pretty much have to be brain dead not to be able to come up with a version of one of these that can be used to lead to any amount of sex scene.
If you can't you probably shouldn't write anything ever.

Owe and for the love of God just because someone has a goal and works toward it doesn't mean they have to be successful getting it. Any of those paths can be used to create a downfall path from there. Every time the person makes a choice it can effect them. So something like seeking revenge instead of getting even could or getting back something lost could lead to loosing even more. A single mom between jobs could lead to her not continuing down that path rather than it being temporary. A choice to support someone could lead to them leaving, and all sorts of crap. School, get expelled loose job...

Seriously if you can't think of how to turn a story around you really don't belong writing.

In general if we looked at games on here you only have a few types
1. She's a slut
2. She's a victim
3. Control ~ Fing magic, chemical or technology such as nanites
4. Corruption ~ we turn her into a slut
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Game Developer
Feb 11, 2019
How much time do you type that out?
Now put that to make something real
Write a real erotic novel base on your Idea that not lame
And I will wait to see the outcome
Thinker and talker is very easy
You can see these same threads everywhere
But where these good game Idea gone instead of going to be a true thing?
Because these superiors talker are good at just talk
Make your talk real unless it will only a lick your ball speech that’s all
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User #1751331

Oct 30, 2019
How much time do you type that out?
Now put that to make something real
Write a real erotic novel base on your Idea that not lame
And I will wait to see the outcome
Thinker and talker is very easy
You can see these same threads everywhere
But where these good game Idea gone true?
Because these superiors talker are good at just talk
Make your talk real unless it will only a lick your ball speech that’s all
A few minutes.

You mean build a story sort on the order which I typed up for the FB post. I reposted it below.

It would take me about 1 week to flesh out the story building the characters and background along with dialog and storyboard.
Software is already developed for it.
Scene selection 1 day - building location map and creating icons for them ...
Then character building and scene development would take the actual time and rendering of scenes would be the actual time part. But by the time I get onto this area the story is already developed.

Truthfully it doesn't take shit to come up with the stuff it's boilerplate think of it sort of like having an application that creates legal documents but instead is geared toward stories.

There are only few different types of stories to start with. Man vs Man, man vs self, man vs God, nature, society, unknown, technology... The rest is just details different names, locations and time and so on. Every story is actually a story of a struggle.
While some people use a number of tools to aid in writing. I just have mine combined mostly into one for the detail text.
I'm lazy and have a really short attention span. I'll take between writing stuff like this post to you and do other stuff.
It takes more time to pull the information off it and rewrite that mess below than it does to build it.

Writing a novel isn't that hard software can do most the work. The harder part is the art work to go with it.
Hell for that matter I can build up and write the novel itself and post it here. I can even write the code out to a program to make it a lot easier to control than Renpy even. Nothing wrong with Renpy but in a lot of ways its over kill for what is needed.
I can make place holder images from the story board till art is finished.

******************Posted to FB thread.******************
But I'll go over the general plot and if you want I can go into more detail.
Lets start with making the general plot have some consistency in Monica isn't a total push over and can think.
Also lets look at Dick to start with he knows no one else came to her aid. He also knows she has no documents and no access to funds so why in hell would he expect her to come up with $5000 in week. Does he really want her on the corner sharing her with other men if he wants to stick his dick in that no unless he is just sick fuck. He could have just bought her from the farm then if that was the case.

Monica is going to realize she needs allies funds and a safe place to stay. It's not just a matter of getting back what she owned but survival. She's not a total idiot after all she ran a massive company she built. So one should have her act like that is the case. So she is going to do what it takes first to secure those allies and friends and get her feet on the ground.

Her best bet for a place to stay would be via Dick or her secretary or Melanie depending on the terms they were on. Dick being a lawyer probably can find out who can make or get false documents for her to work and hold some basis of a job. Lawyers talk to each other quite a bit about cases they are on and dealt with. They often have friends in LE and courts and know the judges fairly well. That's been the case in each country I lived in and each state I lived in. Outside of that public records search for people busted in the past isn't to hard.

Next thing is find out who her opposition is and who is the weak link who is easiest to exploit for information. So far she only knows of a few people involved in this. The first is Marcus, second who's running her company and since the company moved the person into her house they are a good suspect as well. Going back to Marcus would be to dangerous. The easiest to access would be Biff. The one part the author got right is the company would be facing a lot of questions with her missing. In fact real companies have entirely failed over such issues. Stocks drop because investors loose faith and so on. She should easily be able to sell her value and worth to them there.

She can use Biff as an information source to find out some other names of people involved. She could do that a couple of different ways sex appeal and actions or convince him to join her side and be rewarded and believe the other side is going to fail. Hell they couldn't even keep her in jail after all.

So now you need some more names and people. Well how about the politicians her husband supposedly got on the bad side of. His supporters and handlers. The camps operators. Financial backers.
So you have some politicians that play with a dirty play book along the lines of the Clintons.
A financier like Epstein.
And a lot more.

Options blow just indicates multiple ways she deals with the situation or makes use of it.
So maybe to get into one place she shows up during a sex party.
The next time she shows up as one of the paid female entertainers ... options
One of the people involved is an S&M freak so she finds out where he goes to get close to him and ... options
Shows up as the stripper for a bachelor party one is attending... options
She does shoots and works at the magazine ... options
She knows some of the guys visit the bar down town... options
One guy has a thing for escorts.... options
Another guy likes certain type of cam models... options
One guy collects magazines and likes trying to meet the models ... options
Another guy visits a glory hole ... options
Another guy frequents a strip club ... options
Maybe the only way to get close to some of them is through their family ... so on daughter in school, wife.... options.
There could be women also involved in this both directly and indirectly.... various secretaries ... so that could be a path to meeting the person.
Doctors and psychologist to deal with issues at the camp and even to some of the men running operations....
Maybe she ends up pretending to be a nurse to get close to one... Or a therapist...

She goes through all of it to collect dirt, remove people, black mail others... so on

We also know a couple other things. The camp is illegally ran it violates whatever country laws they are in. Otherwise with her arrest they would simply announced their intent to send her there. So the existence of the camp isn't something they want people knowing about Which means the second she can prove its existence and these people's ties to it. Things can become even more interesting.

During that time her personality changes how it changes is up to the reader. How she decides to let each situation effect her.

Maybe she goes back to her old life with a different view.
Maybe, closes forces the camp to be closed and everyone involved arrested.
Or does she and maybe she just forces some policy changes and has a say in who they target for the camp.

How many sex scenes does that give you
A shit load if you have a brain to realize it.
First off a single interaction with any of the targets may not be enough to get what she needs or to get close enough.
Secondly, things she is trying to fit in she would have to play the part so as not be discovered. Meaning playing a hooker on the street she would need to services other cars to avoid suspicion. Same with escorting, or showing up at a sex party and so on.
Also maybe the person doesn't show up every single party so she would have to come back a couple times. But still to keep from being found out she would have to play the part. Same goes for bars, clubs, stripping, BDSM and so on.
That's easily into the thousands potential.

Not just that. Lets say she makes the choice to remove a person. Depending on how and when it is done. How will the others involved see it? Will they tighten security making it more difficult to avoid suspicion. Or simply if to many start dropping dead regardless of circumstance do the others start acting more cautious. That could mean more potential stuff she needs to go through to get to them. Maybe the path becomes less direct and she has to please someone else and get recommended...

By doing it this way she makes a conscious choice to do it to get back what she lost and get revenge. Her personality can change based upon the either user choice or actions. What mean by user choice is not that she selects to do this that or the other. Each day as she goes to bed she reflects on her actions and stuff of the day and makes a choice how she choose to let it effect her. You can still have a secondary system that effects the subconscious level of her view of it.

The game would be no more difficult than what you currently have. As you can see it doesn't limit the content potential.
It would have a lot less grinding.
It shows actual character consistence.
It also allows for an actual degradation of the character , which is better than the person becoming a sniveling moron over night.
The story has starting goals that is clearly defined but can be altered over time with the change in personality.
Start Goals: survive, collect information, revenge and get back what was taken.
She does what she does with a reason and purpose not because of fear and stupidity.
Think of the story as a bunch of interlocked circles solving one leads to information that can allow access to another.
There are two types of paths in this story. The first is the information path and where it leads the second is the mental state path of the character and how it effects her. Each has multiple branches.
The mental state path effects the dialog options and so on. It's based off two things a subconscious and conscious choice of how each action she does effects her. Before each night sleep she evaluates the day and plans the next day. She makes conscious choice as how to look at what happened that day. She can look at it as an ends to a means for example. Or she could reflect on its sexual nature or she could look at it as revoltingly and ... over time it accumulates. How it does effects her dialog and decision choices.

Thus you could use a state system or switch type statement or dictionary of functions to create your options control.
You could also build the dialogs out of a pool of options rather than trying to build each potential dialog.
That list of people could be gone through in various orders make it users choice. By doing that it creates different circumstance based on different knowledge gain with previous interactions.

So next I should work character target list and their involvement.
Bishop Montoya his part is in that it is land own by the church and he uses his diplomatic means and aircraft to take women out of the country to the farm.
Politician ~ frequent user of the farm, gets authorities to turn a blind eye with political influence and funding
Financier ~ Epstein the backer or the biggest one
Corrupt military and police in that country or maybe country is ran by a war lord. who provides security in exchange for financing and ...
Obviously corrupt cops in this country she is in...
Doctors who back and forth along with other staff. Pretend it is part of humanitarian aid to the area.
They need corrupt people in various other areas
Lawyers, tax office, courts such as judges and their clerks.

Then we need to select the events that give her the chance to get close to these people and it needs to be fitting the story.
I mean a beat cop isn't going to afford putting on a huge sex party in a mansion or penthouse ... It would be more fitting he is the one you find in a strip club, or bar...

After that we can create a location map. Determine how we want this all to look and add some more details in.
Then I could use
Build a general scene and flow system for each target and so on.

Then create a dialog table for the various potential actions and encounters with the different events and gained knowledge.
That way we can build a dynamic dialog that changes based on what has happened and allows for different responses to it.
That's primarily because I am lazy and have no interest in trying write 20 variations of dialog for each scene that could be played in some different order. It also adds replay-ability.

We could also build in some fail paths that work in various degrees and ways. Such as she might be to uncomfortable doing one thing and need to do other stuff first. That could lead to something like if she went to a swingers event with a black room where participation is mandatory. (black room, gangbang room, multiple partner room. Everyone's expected to participate that way they aren't likely to blab about what they seen)

That's just an overall look with no real detail added.


Game Developer
Feb 11, 2019
What the hell with over all bla bla bla?
Make a real thing or that is your excuse?
You had no time to make a real thing
Just got only time to point out that your Idea better?
So only your excuse is matter huh?

Any one can write these a few goody goody Idea paragraphs and promise this promise that
But they can’t never finish them…

because they got no time they got no skill or they got no budget?
Now they had many excuse for themselves
But they demand other to not have it?
Very pathetic…