Character ideas?


Active Member
Sep 11, 2017
The "Normal Person": This character is an oddity in the world of any porn game. Where everybody else engages in incest, blackmail and cheating, this character has views on sexual morality rather akin to those common in the real world. This means he isn't quite that happy about seeing his mother swallow his brother's sperm on a daily basis or his sister drugging her female friends to either dominate them herself or whore them out in the neighborhood. And quite different from all other characters in porn games, he sticks to his perception and is not easily seduced, no matter how hard the other characters try. His isn't chaste or prudish, he just doesn't cheat or fuck family members. This character can be either male or female and act either as comic relief or as a serious antagonist to the MC whom he sees as an abusive pervert.


Mar 4, 2018
What are some good like character ideas for an adult game?
depends on:
- story / story type
- setting
- "writing" ability

archetypes imo. are fine in that players can easily feel "at home", no need to figure out who is how, more relaxed play/read.
one problem: if not optional, may drive players away/ have them stop playing when forced to play route/ arc for archtype C5 which they do not enjoy.

also, for advanced writers: subverting them archtypes can be fun/ enjoyable, but outside comedy imo. it's very tricky to pull off successfully.


Jan 13, 2018
depends on:
- story / story type
- setting
- "writing" ability

archetypes imo. are fine in that players can easily feel "at home", no need to figure out who is how, more relaxed play/read.
one problem: if not optional, may drive players away/ have them stop playing when forced to play route/ arc for archtype C5 which they do not enjoy.

also, for advanced writers: subverting them archtypes can be fun/ enjoyable, but outside comedy imo. it's very tricky to pull off successfully.
Doing the paths with the different characters are essentially optional like if someone really wanted they could just play through the main plot objectives and not interact with all the characters


Active Member
Sep 11, 2017
The Heroic Antagonist: In regular games, the player usually is the good guy and his enemies are evil. Porn games are a different matter though. When the protagonist of a porn game aquires a magic spell or super power, his first thought is "How can use this to rape my mother?", and the second "Nice, it will certainly work on the other women in town too!" When the protagonist is an evil, sadistic dick, this makes room for more virtuous enemies. Depending on the setting the Heroic Antagonist could be a cop, a knight in shining armor, a super hero or even the MCs dad.


Well-Known Member
Respected User
Nov 16, 2017
What are some good like character ideas for an adult game? Possibly archetypal characters. I'm aiming to have a variety of different body types and personalities in mine.
It really boils down to your reasons for making the vn/game, and your end goals... Archetype based characters are typically rather boring and overused in these things, honestly... There are very very few unique ones that I've run across...

Like some other folks already suggested, investing time and effort in just fleshing out more realistic personalities for your characters is what makes the Gems in this industry... You run the high risk of just becoming another drop of water in the ocean if you don't put in the effort... Now, that being said, your ability to write good story as well as character dialogue and inner-monologue, as well as possible narration, that will really make or break your VN/Game, if that is what your intending to do in the first place... If all your interested in is making a meaningless porn fest vn/game with very little thought put into the story aspects, then by all means make it that way... But don't expect it to really stick out from all the others just like it...

Now, all that also being said, hehe... Some possible suggestions for personality types (not archetypes):

1 - The "Next Door Neighbor" who the protagonist grew up with, who've maybe been friends for a long while, but not super close... She/he/it is down to earth, good natured, not naive, not in need of constant sex, but is a good friend who is there when someone needs help (or advice or just an ear to listen)... She/he/it is not a super model, possibly in the 30's or 40's, no children, and does not fall in love easily, but when he/she/it does, they tend to be all-in as a real companion (not just a sex puppet or friend with benefits)... She/he/it can easily pick up on subtle hints and is wise to the dating scene, having dated now and then over the years... She/he/it had several long term relationships in the past, but they just never panned out, so never been married... Interests include watching a good movie while eating popcorn, ice skating on the pond in winter, going to a Big Truck Mud Bonanza, camping next to a good fishing lake, watching the stars at night, playing board games with friends, dreaming about the future, and so on... Possible love interest...

2 - A "former prostitute" who was never treated very good, so got out of the business after being in it for several years... She/he/it is highly intelligent, and knows when she/he/it is getting played, and is very street wise... She/he/it never did videos or other public based activities that might come back to haunt... Just trying to get back on her/his/it's two feet again, and live a normal life, with a normal 9-to-5 job... But he/she/it is much more cautious of others real intentions, and is not afraid to be straight and up front about his/her/it's feeling and/or thoughts when something doesn't feel right (but not in a drama type fashion)... He/she/it knows how to protect themselves from assault as well (possibly due to taking self-defense courses)... He/she/it is possibly trying to reinvent themselves in order to put the past in the past, and make a real life for his/her/it's self... Possible love interest...

3 - A "nature loving person" who is much more into the outdoors and being in and around nature... Fun-loving and slightly care-free attitude about day to day living... Not so worried about keeping a permanent job, but willing to work as long as it's not too boring... When confronted by hostility, she/he/it is well adapted with working things out through diplomacy if at all possible, but can take care of his/her/it's self as an absolute last resort... Highly intelligent, but not egotistic at all, and always willing to give wise yet cryptic advice... Slightly free-spirited and doesn't want to be nailed down in long-term relationships, for the time being... She/he/it considers most friendly folks as actual friends unless they prove otherwise... Not monogamous but still emotionally attached to good sexual partners... Doesn't place any person, other then her/his/it's family, above any other person... Not into high-tech gadgets such as cell phones and computers... Possible lust interest, or non-attached sexual partner...

4 - The "corporate business person" who lives a very busy life working in an office with some big company/business/firm/etc... The rather demanding work schedule means she/he/it has never really had time for any long-term relationships... But the day-to-day grind has become somewhat tiring, and she/he/it is thinking of making some life changes, and possibly working on a real relationship in his/her/it's life... Being the head of her office/department/etc. he/she/it is highly intelligent, worldly wise, and can seem a bit off putting now and then... She/he/it is not sexually naive, but also doesn't have lots of dating or relationship experience... She/he/it has a hard time sometimes picking up on the subtle signals of physical attraction, but knows what he/she/it wants when the time comes... Sometimes coming across as being in a bit of a rush rather then taking things slow, and perhaps needs some help in that arena... She/he/it believes in monogamy but is open to some experimentation... But pain is out of the picture, and doesn't have time for complete non-sense... Possible love/lust interest...

Just a few ideas...

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trusk rock

Game Developer
Apr 11, 2020
just pick a character from real life. someone you had a crush on . Nothing more real than a character inspired from real people


Nov 9, 2018
pro-writers usually give their characters personalities using the MBTI. I dunno if you could take the challenge of making a vn about cracking up a gal whose smart, independent, observant, intuitive, and a conservative introvert.

or cut yerself some slack and... do what the sandbox rpg devs do. give your characters their strengths, weaknesses, and out of those weaknesses, their needs to solve/compensate their short comings. and the mc will either go to their needs, or give'em something else like... there's this mc's classmate... she's having a hard time studying visual studio. buying her an expensive vs book will open herself to you but she's still struggling and her focus is still on vs, not you, so you ended up friendzoned. worse, she got desperate and started to ask a favor from a rival chad who knows a geek and there goes your lady... but if you take her for an ice cream and fun rides at theme parks, she then realize that she's just having a burnout and you solved her real problem and ding! she starts hanging out with you and score!


Jan 18, 2018
I think the best source for erotic archetype characters in games is 90s erotic thrillers. Watch a few of the movies and you'll get it.

Movies like Basic Instinct & Disclosure have great femme fatales. Cruel Intentions and Wild Things gives a few younger archetypes. Poison Ivy 2 with Alyssa Milano and Poison Ivy 3 with Jaime Pressly.

Animal Instincts and Animal Instincts 3 have a lot of good scenarios.

To top it all off, watch the introductory episodes of super successful teen TV shows like Vampire Diaries, One Tree Hill, Gossip Girl, the OC, and 90210.

All the archetypes you'd ever need for infinite games right there.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2017
I don't like Games where the Characters feel like someone marked off a Checklist. Often times you have the older bitchy sister who hates you for (random reason), then the middle sister who is pretty normal and then the youngest innocent sister who is completely in love with you from day1.

Thats the case in so many Games, its kinda boring. How crazy would it be if you played a Game where you had 2 sisters and one of them didn't want to fuck you and you had to balance your relationship while your other sister is in love with you.


MagicalGene Developer
Game Developer
Oct 15, 2020
You can use animals or legends. characters with incredible abilities or animalated faces or bodies. also, u can use nature elements or else. different nationality or goddesses ... there are many ideas