Unity - Abandoned - Chronicles of Forgotten Tears [Steam] [Old Owl]

  1. 5.00 star(s)

    Michelangelo da Mouso

    TLDR; If you're tired of AVNs where all you do is mouse-click, and you want fun battle-card mini-game that makes you think, with characters that aren't just there to drool over you, I think you may like this one.

    Gotta admit, this game caught me off guard, in a good way.

    First off, someone needs to update the images and throw in a couple of screenshots of the free-roam and fights. Mainly 'cause it's a super original concept compared to what I'm used to here, and the mechanics aren't a drag at all.

    So, if you're thinking "another Adult Visual Novel." NOPE!

    It's an Interactive AVN. And by that, I mean you gotta read and get the personality of each girl, and pick the right option. If she says "rough sex" or "gentle sex", it's not just about seeing a short branching and then your choices don't matter.

    If you say something that doesn't vibe with the person you're talking to, she might just say "bye and thanks for everything". And the game doesn't hold your hand... The right choice isn't always first, the neutral second, and the bad third. It's a game that wants you to get involved.

    This game doesn't baby you.

    Then, other reviews say 10-min of content? WRONG!

    What happens is, after the intro, you're in a bar, and you have to keep talking to the folks there for the story to progress. At first, it seems like there's no progress, therefore, no content... But keep insisting. Maybe this could have a better design, but I played like 2 hours, skimming through dialogues, and only completed 4 of the 10 girls' stories.

    But yeah... the render quality feels a bit like 2019. The models are dated, animations a bit rough, dialogues ain't Shakespeare... but it's an entertaining game.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is very hot and has smart story! I like design of girls and many various situation, for example the chick what i thought it would be boring surprised me very pleasantly :) I can not wait for another part!
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    well it my 3 reviewing, i don't speak that much English but this game is nice.
    1. i like how the mc is always the "farmer" he see life with a earth ground view.
    2, sex scene well maybe a bit to much in the i love you because my dick is in but well the ego is flattered .
    3 from what i seen in the forum the game card is much better and i like it.
    4 stories wise it great i seem muchhhhh lower.
    5 overall a 4h with no negative enjoyment ;)
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Oh hey a Card Game RPG that I'd actually SOMEWHAT decent at, nice! Sure wish that there was more of the game out, because I really wanna play more of this!

    Really beautiful looking game.

    Story is really good.

    Dialogue is really really good.
    MC is SUPER likable and relatable, and I love his insights, as he's very focused on working on how he treats people and wanting to help them out.

    The girls you spend time with are very likable, and looks so cute!

    Finally, I hope that this game starts getting the attention that it deserves. If you're on F95, please check this out and write a review, and it's only got 2, and I'm guessing that it's from when this game was in super early access and had some big problems which aren't really present int he game anymore!
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    Too many cardbattles!

    game is aight but i think i spent about 15 minutes on it before i hit the first "to be continued". you could stretch that out to like 8 hours if you actually play the card battles, mostly cuz they run so slow.

    it would be an acceptable if a bit stale battle mechanic if there was a battle of two and they kept being on the same hp as the first fight. but no...theres ALOT of em. and they are very tedious, not at all hard but very, very drawn out and slow. you aint battling beautiful women and taking their clothes off as the damage stacks either so it just serves as a gametime extender.

    alot of the characters reasoning is shallow and mostly just seem to be there to drive the story in a certain way.

    the graphics are nice and he picked some solid models, not too impressed with the mc but he isn't awfull to look at atleast.

    all in all i dont hate it but i dont love it either. the combat needs a serious overhaul or complete revamp for me to rate it any higher, making it optional is also an option.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    Review for v0.1.0

    While nothing was downright horrible, there really wasn't much that impressed me either.

    First, don't be fooled by the file size and screenshots. There's about ~10 minutes of content. Most of the screenshots aren't actually present within this version. I'd really recommend waiting for more updates.

    I think the MC looks both boring and as dumb as a pile of rocks. Thankfully his dialogue doesn't reflect that at least. He seems competent enough, but with there being so little to go on I just don't have a lot to say about it.

    The dialogue in general felt very flat to me. This does a lot of telling and not showing. Show us some proper flashbacks instead of this long exposition while we sit in a dingy wagon. You would think the MC would have a bit more urgency as well when his dying mother is sprawled out in the back of the wagon. There's no emotion really, just seems like it's a normal day for him. A lack of substance all around I suppose.

    Again I felt the screenshots were a bit misleading. The renders just aren't that impressive in game. The few animations seem to suffer from a dip in resolution as well. The one sex scene wasn't horrible despite those issues, but then it gets even more muddled when we start getting this girl's life story as she's riding the MC's dick. It could have been a fine emotional moment if the conversation happened say after the intense sex scene, but it just feels out of place as is.

    There's also no sound whatsoever which doesn't do this any favors to say the least.

    The only other thing to mention is the combat system. I like card combat in general, but this is not "sophisticated." We're using the same 4 cards against a guy who has too much health so it turns into a bit of a slog. I'll give this part the benefit of the doubt and say it's probably because it's the literal first fight, but it needs a lot more variation. There's also no type of animation, art, or even a difference in pose to indicate that we attacked or received damage, likewise for the enemy. Makes it very stale very quickly.

    I appreciate the attempt at something a bit different, but this is falling short for me. Hopefully future updates will do it some good.