What also imply that the video will not follow the rest of the CGs aspect ratio. And there's no way for the difference to not be noticed and not feel totally weird.
What also imply that the video will not follow the rest of the CGs aspect ratio. And there's no way for the difference to not be noticed and not feel totally weird.
Hm... Not necessarily. Trying to fit or squish it would feel weird, but as long as you are consistent, it should look fairly good. Of course, ideally, it'd be best to have everything at the same aspect ratio.
I think Strangers on Paper (or maybe The Artist?) does this and has taken quite a bit of heat for it. Mostly of the "why is everyone making everything widescreen for the sake of looking cinematic?" variety.
I do it myself, but only for one-off renders. I also tend to use thinner ones as they tend to look better on tradition 16:9 vs your typical 2.35:1, etc. that Hollywood tends to use to achieve the letterboxing.