i have o title screen chapter 1i dont suppose you have alien runaway as well?
i have o title screen chapter 1i dont suppose you have alien runaway as well?
Its like the 'Ugly Bastard' fetish in hentaiStill Vesemir... *sigh*
What kinda nasty ass fetish is this? At least make it someone new, if not Geralt. Why would you make an old man protagonist..
Are you masturbating to the male protagonist instead of the girl or something?Still Vesemir... *sigh*
What kinda nasty ass fetish is this? At least make it someone new, if not Geralt. Why would you make an old man protagonist..
when i load saved game from ch1 a have an error too. i think you need to start a new game and it will ask you if you want to skip to ch2 IF you have a correct savefile. mine is corrupted. can you attach your persistent file from gamedirectory\game\saves\ ?I get an error when trying to open the chest in the room
log attached
You can't, it's a bug.How do you use Axii and punish in Chapter 2??
there is no "continue" in my case.We use hard saves between chapters since the beginning. In the end of every chapter the game proposes to save chapter progress.
To load a hardsave, start a new game and click button "Continue". It's only available if you actually have a hard save on your device.
If you just load random old saves, it may not end well depending on how old they are.
so, i can't start chapter 2 from where chapter 1 ended. when i finish ch1 game tells in the end that it will create save for future updates and then it create file "persistent". after i load ch2 and start a new game it tells me that i can only skip intro and import techdemo data. anyone have working "persistent" file for ch2?
I've translated my ballad on English. Music track's from game intro (Ballad.ogg). English is not my native, so you may correct and edit text as you wish (would you wish?). Highlighted syllables are stressed. Be my guest.For Russian players and fans: Вдохновлённый вступительным музыкальным треком к игре, сочинил на эту мелодию простенькую балладку на тему ведьмака, Цири и всего около. У кого есть голос, слух и желание - будь ласка!
They will prolly understand when it's too late.Alright so I made that comment even before I finished the Chapter, and now that I actually finished it I can't believe how good it is. Like the ending of the Chapter was amazing considering how it was done. It's like an actual Witcher game scene. I am so excited for Chap 3! Being a patron to them has been totally worth it!
These devs really poured their heart and soul into this game. I wish more devs did this...
I am sure you guys will understand once you play the Chap.