Others - Completed - City Beat: The Sorority Shuffle [Final] [Kithulu Solutions]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    -It's complete.
    -Good English with no mistakes that I noticed.
    -3 Endings and a few achievements for hidden things.

    -The art. The preview images are a good indication of what you can expect, so if you like what you see you may be pleased.
    -It's short (1 hr without using the walkthrough, much shorter with).

    -Only two actual sexual encounters + 1 directing of a girl's dildo use. These have 1 or two images for each action with decent writing but I didn't think it was particularly great.
    -Have to say the gameplay doesn't work. Yes, it's a throwback to old school 80's games (I'm thinking of Hitchhiker's Guide), but those games had a far wider vocabulary, this feels it would be better with buttons for look/use etc as per 90's games. The only good thing is that this prevents the really obtuse puzzles you used to get, but overall I think the game style is a misstep.

    In conclusion, I have trouble recommending this to anyone, even though I like this dev's other work and the game is competently made. Old school gamers are going to be frustrated by the limited commands and general lack of detail in the environments (you can't investigate some random shrub for example) and casual people will be annoyed by the text heavy sex scenes and finicky controls.