i've done a city map for my game with code:
to show all the location and show also on imagehover for the location locked without jump.
it works good UNTIL i've sets the right coords for all....
now when i try to call the city map the game call it and go ahead with the dialogue.
i can click on location and the jump work, but no hovered image and if locked the location simply go ahead with dialogue.
i can't understand why.....it work properly until i set the coords!!
it is called in navigation menu with this:
screen city_map: #Preparing the imagemap
ground "city_map.png"
hotspot (1230, 222, 100, 100) clicked Jump("myhome")
hotspot (421, 353, 100, 100) clicked Jump("themansion")
if coffee_unlock:
hotspot (620, 522, 100, 100) clicked Jump("coffee")
hotspot (620, 522, 100, 100) hovered ShowTransient("the_img", img="locked_map.png") unhovered Hide("the_img")
if university_unlock:
hotspot (998, 524, 100, 100) clicked Jump("university")
hotspot (998, 524, 100, 100) hovered ShowTransient("the_img2", img="locked_map.png") unhovered Hide("the_img2")
screen the_img(img):
add img pos (610, 510)
screen the_img2(img):
add img pos (988, 514)
label city_map:
$ coffee_unlock = False
$ university_unlock = False
show screen city_map
it works good UNTIL i've sets the right coords for all....
now when i try to call the city map the game call it and go ahead with the dialogue.
i can click on location and the jump work, but no hovered image and if locked the location simply go ahead with dialogue.
i can't understand why.....it work properly until i set the coords!!
it is called in navigation menu with this:
screen navigation_room:
xalign 1.0 yalign 0.0
auto "location1_%s.png"
action Call( "myroom" )
auto "location2_%s.png"
action Call( "city_map" )