(Right up front I am sorry when I get the names wrong. I am just not good with them)
So yesterday I finally finished "City of Broken Dreamers" and played it again with the walkthrough to find the secrets and to get the alternative scene Ellena (the girl with the sidecut).
As I just played Depraved Awakening not too long ago I have a pretty good comparison between both of your games. Your writing in DA was already really good, but damn the first thing I noticed while watching the intro in CoBD was the improvement in your writing.
I would say the story and the setting was one of the keypoints that made DA an awsome game and I am positive that with such a start CoBD will be even better. Especially with the Cyberpunk setting, that's just my thing.
I am really curious where the story will lead. Especially with the blonde girl and that brute character.
Then we have the thing that might be more obvious to most of the players... The quality of the renders and animations.
What you are doing better then most games is in my opinion the lightning, I can't even discribe how much I like it. Both in DA and CoBD the lightning is what stood out the most in you renders.
I would say the animations in DA were good, but in CoBD they definitly improved a lot. I also like the camera rides that you have there quite a lot. I am acutally a big fan of animations out of the sex scenes

The camera angles in the sex scenes are positivly creative, which I apprechiate, I played enough games, where the lewd scenes just feld boring, because the camera angle was just bad.
The environments that you chose fit the Cyberpunk setting perfectly! Not much more to say about that.
Also I like the menu layout a lot, it fits very well.
The game also has a really fitting music. I even played it with music on, something I don't do very often.
The character design definitly is something, where everybody has different tastes. Like in DA overall I like the design of every character, both in looks and characteristic. Of course you always prefer some characters over the others, especially when it comes to possible lewd scenes. Like in DA, where Carly was possibly the most favorite woman for most of the players, in CoBD at some point will also be a woman that will be the favorite of most players. (My guess is Victoria)
Let's get to the lewd scenes the characters.
1. The scene with Chandra, damn now I know why my friends love her the most! She is incredible! I like everything on her! I like her a more petite body, her attitude, her incredibly colored hair, her make-up, the lightning and her clothings. (I am a bit afraid that she seems like a character to who something bad could happen)
2. Then we have the scene with the futa "girl". Thanks Philly for doing something out of the norm with this scene! This scene was incredible hot! And I like her whole design. And I mean she is in a VR simulation. As you have the possibility of this or the Ellena path, I really hope we will see more of the VR-girl in future updates and that this is a path of its own. (I had to think of the new Blade Runner actually)
3. The Ellena scene, I totally missed this scene at first. Played it in my second playthrough, but I have to say that this scene is my least favorite at the moment.
4. What should I say to the scene with Victora, I mean that is just a woman of class! And that's how the scene played, just incredible from the beginning to the end.
5. Honorable mention: MCs wife (was it Sonja) didn't have a sex scene, but she made me curious and I like her design, because it is the only not over the top design
So my ranking for the best partners is at the moment:
1. Chandra
2. Victoria
3. VR-Girl
4. Sonja
5. Ellena
So thanks Philly for creating such an amazing game! I am looking forward to future updates