I found story pretty boring and gameplay even worse, its just way to linear to enjoy and so many things are just forced on you, theres a ton of footjobs to start with which just dosent do anything for me and since you cant skip animations it just makes it worse.
It dosent help that MC cums very fast, he has a dick like a 5 year old in size and color is just worng and dosent fit hes body, girls feets are 5 times bigger then MCs dick...i dont like oversized dicks but this one is just to tiny.
MC is also a coward and way to submissive, so you cant say no to girls forcing you to do shit you dont want to do and you get your ass kicked by girls without even trying to resist or fight back.
MC is also brainless so hes freely taking pictures of himself doing shit he dosent want and hand it over to the girl who blackmails him, i mean sure why not give her more to use as blackmail, make sense right? its just idiotic, the girl who blackmail MC is even supposed to be a very good friend from hes home town...
Also if you try to talk to someone like the aunt you ask her to give her another foot massage even after you did the quest for it and again no skipping it, proberly a bug since why would MC ever offer to do it a second time when he never wanted to do it in the first place.....
Text shows up in chinesse or something quite alot which is also annoying when you cant read it.
Animations are pretty poor as well and unskippable.
If your into the hole foot fetish and submissive stuff, then this game might be for you, but everyone else should stay clear of this one.
It does have vaginal tag but i never saw any, maybe due to quiting after MC got tested positive to being submissive and loving feet fetish at the docs office in the big city, it pretty much told me what this game will be about.
As for choices there are none, its a 100% linear questline with no choices, only thing you might be able to do is pick the order of doing some quests but thats about it.
Game should proberly be renamed to city of feet desire since thats pretty much what it is.