Cool game, So far I am getting the vibe that Everyone hates Emma. Like the Corruption of her,but I wonder, Can Emma be turned to the Darkside, rather get so Corrupt that similar to Aura in Star Knightess Aura the Evil plan backfires and Aura Goes more Evil than the brainwasher. Could Everyone wanting to Corrupt Emma be creating a Monster?. You have a Counselor who wants her to be a Corrupt Government politician, Aurora wants to turn Emma into her Slave or #2 like Alicia wanted to do to Aura, backfiring in a major way. A a Few others who want Emma to be more slutty. I hope there is a route where Emma goes Evil as much as the plot allows and still make sense. The Fact Emma has a visitor in her dreams like in Baldur's Gate 3 makes me very skeptical about her true intentions and who the real baddies are. Every good story has a few twists.