I get what you are saying and I agree with it, but it sounds like you have a dislike for the beasty content that makes your comment sound very biased. Saying 168 scenes is for sure an exaggeration. Counting a slight variation of a picture with, say, the penetration being slightly deeper than the previous pic, as a "different scene" is not very honest. It doesn't take near the amount of resources to create a variation of a picture than it does to create a new one from scratch, and there's no way there's actually 168 scenes in the ranch. Pictures with variations sure, scenes no. At the end like you said it's a game focused on beasty content so that's what (presumably) the majority of backers will pay to see.I think the best example of this is the ranch - for a game already dedicated largely to having sex with monsters, they decided to devote 168(!) images to an unimportant job quest because that's what the Patrons wanted. Instead of finishing the story quests, streamlining the grind, or working on the sandbox, they dropped everything and devoted their resources to produce 168 more bestiality scenes, which is still only 1/4th of the ranch content, because that's what the backers wanted. Content not only slowed to a crawl, but the bulk of it was devoted to one specific fetish for a subset of their backers. Even looking through this thread, you see regularly see people who want more ranch content - 168 scenes is not enough.
The thing that distinguished this game from so many others is the focus on story content and actually being a decent game with fap content integrated into it. It's what got me interested in it - and that game still exists. But instead of focusing on what made it interesting and unique, they went all-in on even more bestiality content, because that's what the backers wanted. That will keep money flowing in from that particular group, but I can't help but think it's driven others away (including myself).
I came across the game at v20, and considered backing both because of the game and their good history of releasing regular content. I even bought the Steam version of OG, and that gave me a good feeling about CQ. But that was September 2020; in the 2.5 years since, releases have not only slowed to a crawl, but they've completely lost their direction. Recent posts seem to indicate they realize it, and the increased emphasis on story elements are a positive sign, but I'll remain skeptical until/unless they really start making progress. It's still a good game, but I won't back it so long as it exists just to milk money out of patrons rather than complete an actual game.
It seems to me that the same thing happened as with most other games... devs started milking the game. There's nothing stopping them from adding more of the planned ranch content for example, (or any of the other side content) but they don't even do that. I'm not saying that would be good for the game, I just mean that side content should theoretically not be a reason for the game to have less regular updates. That's why I think it's not so much they got sidetracked as they got lazy. Even without a sense of direction and with tons of side content, they could still be providing updates regularly. "Hey for this month we do this side quest" etc. That is just not happening. And again I don't particularly think that would be good for the game overall but would still prefer to just have regular updates even if it means more side stuff. Anything is better than nothing imo, and personally I'm not here for the story.