RPGM - Claire's Quest [v0.27.1] [Dystopian Project]

  1. 5.00 star(s)

    Templar Knight

    It's time for me to do my review on Claire Quest (the version I'm going to review is 0.23.3). I'm pretty sure that claire quest is one of the best games on this site and the best h-rpg so far. But there is nothing 100% perfect except God so I will say the pros, cons, suggestion and close with the conclusion.

    - Character art is extremely well done.
    - the story, both the main and side quests are excellent.
    - the difficulty is not high, anyone can play this.
    - multiple routes to follow.
    - although the game is simple, it has a complexity in claire's personality (currently has 4) and in her physical situation (drunk, pregnant, sick or tired).
    - various fetish, so basically you'll find yours here.
    - large amount of content.

    - updates are quite time consuming and don't always come with a good load of content. I know that the claire quest developers have another game, but this game that they continue to support is already finished so the focus should be on claire quest and not the one already completed.
    - few repeated scenes, if you don't like the gallery to review the scenes then this can be a negative point.
    - a lot of content but almost all of them are open and with no forecast to close, that is, many quests are incomplete.

    -add more repetitive scenes. Gallery isn't something that bothers people that much but the fact that claire quest is a sandbox/freeroam and has few repetitive scenes is something annoying and besides, most of the aggressive encounters lead claire to a bad ending and with that you can only see that scene once and then only in the gallery.
    - focus more on an island or area and then move on to others, so you finish a piece of content and don't leave them accumulating as they are now.

    - Claire quest is an excellent game for those who like sandbox/freeroam where your choices matter the course of your heroine and the flaws of this game go unnoticed due to the positive things that this game has.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Claire's Quest [v0.22.5] is an excellent adult game. I divided my review into 3 parts: amazing things about this game (+), worring aspects which are not affecting current version much (-), and my personal opinion ( P.S.)
    1)Players have at list two ways to complite quests: subbmissive, but usually peaceful (not for Claire), and sexualy pure, but more cruel (not for Claire).
    2)All games mechanics are simple, working and imersive
    3)Despite other reviews 80% of not gameover sex scens are consentual, also game choises philosophy makes other 20% close to being consentual, cause Claire becames stronger/smarter if you are not currupting her, thus rape scens won't occure.
    4) Gamedesine, artstile of CGI and charecters are perfectly fiting togever.
    1) Balance of MFC stats (which are both personality and skills stats) is the most worring thing. At this moment most of CGI situation play out differently according to 4 stats (defiance,intrigue, depravity and seduction), player can increase them for money, and unfortunatly this can breack immersion.
    2)Game is not close to final stage of production
    Currently this is the best female MC corruption, monster game, which has decent amount of h content and imersive quests.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    The game has a lot of interesting kinky content and scenes. It's even too kinky, because Claire hasn't had a normal, respectful lover in the entire development history, and everything will revolve around rape, bestiality, prostitution, slavery. Everyone sees Claire only as a toy, and she has never had the opportunity to turn everything the other way around and use her seductiveness to her advantage. Probably, this should work for the setting, but variety would be very helpful.

    But this very setting, coupled with the writing, plot and lore, is the most exciting and unique part of the game. It is a sturdy, mesmerizing and deeply crafted dark fantasy full of thieves, assassins, tyrants and usurpers, conspiracies, filthy aristocrats, slavers, pirates and just plain rude trash. The prosperous continent is engulfed in hordes of invaders, while the island states have long turned into bedbugs, themselves destroying the remnants of their former greatness. The Rathpike has become a den of whores, bandits, pirates, smugglers, and a slave trader, all under the watchful eye of Zeon, who collaborates with the latter. Valos is ruled by insane aristocrats who are far from this world, who do not see the real state of affairs. We haven’t seen the rest of the islands yet, but I don’t think it’s much better there.

    In general, if you remove adult content from the game, then it will be just a full-fledged and independent work in the dark fantasy genre.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is just super fun with a lot of content. It is very good that the author has not abandoned the game since 2016. I would like to wish the author success in his work, good mood and creative ideas, and that the content of the game does not end. Respect.
  5. 4.00 star(s)

    Rex Blue

    Claire's Quest is a story about a girl being dragged through a dark fantasy setting, kicking and screaming. She's pulled from a comfortable life and thrust into a dark reality of murder, rape and slavery. It's possible to navigate around the pitfalls and keep her safe, but it's realistically difficult for a girl who starts out with nothing but her body and frankly... that's not really what you're here for is it?

    While the art is great, the game dives too heavily into kink for my preferences. Bestiality, Futa, slavery, prostitution, rape, rape and yet even more rape is what you can expect from this game. If that's your cup of tea, you'll enjoy your time with it. If you're looking for Claire to dominate men and use her femininity as a weapon, you'll be disappointed.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Honestly... this might be one of my favorite H-Games I've played, and it's not even finished yet. The amount of content already on display is already staggering, and the fact it has no combat and yet still has hours upon hours of things to do is incredible. Legitimately, the only issues I have are small things that could easily be fixed or tweaked.

    - Story is... actually good. It is legitimately good enough to play the game just for fun. The different choices do actually affect the way different quests and events play out, and it isn't always a painfully obvious "be good or be bad." Some choices are genuinely tricky. I actually felt involved in different quests and the story and am excited to see where it all goes.

    - Art is very good. All around the presentation shows a lot of care. Menus look good, CGs look good, and everything just feels good aside from very small issues that are, honestly, hardly worth mentioning.

    - A lot of content. Right now I am writing this review at V 0.22.4 and it took quite awhile to see everything. It's worth it to explore to see everything.

    - I'm not the biggest fan of the music in some areas. It stopped being an issue pretty quick but in some areas the music is a bit too intense. There isn't too much levity when it comes to music.
    - The "cum" sound effect is not my favorite. This is likely entirely preference, though. It's functional, though.
    - There are many scenes that are not repeatable. There is a very good gallery feature that can also serve as a bit of a checklist, but that isn't always the same as being able to just naturally have scenes occur again.
    - Just a minor bug here. The text is a bit hard to go through. If you are trying to skip text (such as if you are repeating a quest event to see what happens down another path) if you hold the button you can end up accidentally making a choice. Just making it stop at choices would fix this, though.

    I am really damn excited to see where this game goes. It is very impressive and the fact it has no combat might seem like a negative feels as if it has actually led to some really creative decisions. Very, very good!
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    I've played this game for some days and decided to quit. Appearantly, this game is developed by a whole group of staff so it has great plot & lore & lots of content. Compared to other games developed by 1-3 people, this game is indeed on a much bigger scale.

    However there's something fundementally "wrong" with it.

    1 The name should be changed to "Claire's quest to be RAPED". Don't get me wrong, rape content here and there is okay, but 90% of the content is Claire being raped/rough fxxked is just boring.

    Players don't get REWARDED with scenes if they finish the quest bravely or wisely. Most cg needs player to intentionally fail. So basicly if you choose to be defiant/intrigue, then you won't get much sex content. Basicly Clarie is meant to be depraved. Since she's a female protagonist, how can players immerse themselves? I for one, am neither a sadist nor a masochist.

    2 The art-sytle. Not saying 2D-art is bad,but it is not beautiful enough to support a high-level game like this. The drawings quickly become repititive. High-quality 3D models & renders & animation should been used at the beginning.

    3 The lack of real lovers. Claire should have 4 ultimate lovers to pursuit like in Battle for Luvia, each attribute leads to a different lover in the end. Or have a harem like in Peasant's Quest. Not just thugs, thugs, thugs, monsters, monsters ,monsters.

    The game doesn't feel like a porn game with rpg style, instead it feels like a rpg game with some porn added (specificly rape-porn & monster-porn)
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game because of many points. For my surprise, I even remember the story, different plot twists and stuff. Sex scenes are beautifully drawed, I like the style. Different rpgm games have cons like slow game progression (in terms of sex scenes), art, tediousness, but in this game I could spent like 5 hours straight and even more. So, in my opinion it's iconic rpgm game (I mean, maybe not innovative, or masterpiece, but it's better than like 90% of rpgm game. Played a lot of them, and wouldn't name a ten games comparable to this).
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    Like so many other games on this site Claires Quest is more or less a smut subscription that the Devs have no intention of finishing.
    The two stars are mostly due to the quality of the art which isn't great but better than most of the stuff you find smut games.
    The gameplay itself is below average; littered with bugs and poorly executed mechanics.
    The story is a complete mess. Originally the head dev wanted to make a dystopian rape game wherein the protagonist is constantly being raped, molested, and otherwise sexually harassed by everyone and everything around her in a world invaded and overrun by horny monsters. However the head dev allowed people to pay large sums of money (several thousand according to the discord) to add whatever they wanted to the game and that's how the bestiality ranch and the sisters of fertility storylines were added to the game. Both storylines completely ignore the fact that Claires world is at war.
    I cannot repeat enough that this game is just a meal ticket for the devs. It has been in development for 5 years at the time of this review. Play the game and ask yourself this; does this look like anywhere close to 5 years worth of honest work?
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    While at least one tier above your typical H-RPGMaker that's been put through an MTL meatmincer, this game at this stage of development (ver. 22.3) is average at best. The initial promise of engaging gameplay totally devoid of any form of combat or grinding made by the devs a long long time age has not been kept. While there is no combat (which is a good a good thing as quite often in lewd games, the combat side tends to be disconnected from the porn side, the only connection being a defeat or game over rape scene - players looking to play a porn game, not a primitive dungeon crawler with boobs and impregnating goblins will be spared this nonsense here), there is grinding, not noticeable at first, but increasing as the game progresses.

    Instead of levelling up through combat or spending money earned through doing repetitive jobs, our heroine is faced with making choices in her epic journey through some faux-Renaissance realm recently invaded by barbaric monsters, which results in raising (or lowering) one (or two) of her four character traits: defiance, seduction, intrigue and depravity. Basically, this makes it a virtual novel at heart rather than a classic dungeon crawler, although go-find-pick-give exploration with some arcade moments is also present there. In theory, this allows for different scenarios to play out, depending on the MCs statcheck outcome, but as this is a porn game after all, most players will be looking for the lewdest scenes to take place, which encourages a certain style of play and often makes the player pause for a moment before taking their decision, as oftentimes they result in raising one stat at the expense of lowering another. It is still possible to build a well balanced PC whose just as perverted as she is kickass as she's smart as she's charming, but it requires either a thorough read of a walkthrough, or self-experimentation with a lot of save-scumming, or using in-game trainers or cheats. Such setup works really well early in the game, but as it progresses, one starts to notice either rushed implementation of new story items (quests), which are not properly balanced in terms of reward-cost or blatantly obvious choices that push the story in one direction. And speaking of direction...

    The story is a bit all over the place, to put it mildly. The main plotline is the travails of a young woman escaping the horrors of monster invasion, having possibly lost her momma dear and not knowing whether her daddy is still alive or not. But that main story line soon gets nudged aside by seemingly smaller quests, tasks and casual jobs that you actually forget why again Claire is in a foreign land fucking horses and bulls in stables and barns when she's not busy sexually taming local wildlife or spreading faith by spreading legs or getting stuck in holes in walls or doing this or that. I finished playing the current built and ended up with 22 different quests/jobs opened and not concluded yet as they're still work in progress. And speaking of work in progress...

    This game's development started in 2016 and it shows its age. While not bad-looking, the graphics, especially tilesets and character sprites look outdated and not in a charming retro style that some other games are able to convincingly pull off. The featured fetishes, possibly shocking and groundbreaking 5-6 years ago also feel cliched and overused in [insert current year]. And speaking of fetishes...

    I don't know, perhaps I'm the only one who noticed, but with such a wide variety of scandalous sex scenes and NPCs, there isn't even one lewd scene featuring a male who is a genuinely nice person, sincerely interested in intimacy with Claire. All nice guys in the game so far are not interested in our heroine that way and neither she is in them, so the only cocks she fucks or sucks belong to lecherous old men, sleazeballs, drunks, thugs, underage boys, rapists, decadent plutocrats, possessed werewolves, beasts and imaginary creatures including futas. To add insult to injury, all the characters Claire is able to open her heart to are... other women. I wonder why that is. For those players who get off mainly or exclusively on heterosexual sex and romance involving regular guys, there is virtually nothing there. In that sense, the game has quite a sadistic feel to it, the term 'sadistic' referring to actual works of Marquis de Sade, their recurring theme being the plight of women, receiving nothing but pain, deception and misery from men.

    To sum up, the game would have been a solid 4 stars if it was a finished or almost finished product, with a clear story line that leads somewhere definite (and perhaps other that settling down in a quiet little barn), but at the current prolonged state of incompletion, no more than 3 stars it is from me.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    ★ Chef's Kiss: open character development and exceptional world immersion; you can set MC's story based on traits and whatever personality you want...world feels a bit depressing but disdainfully lived-in just as intended

    + Good writing and introduction for major characters
    + Excellent implementation of MC interactions with NPCs
    + Quests aren't too bland or repetitive which is a common pish in RPGM games
    + A lot of content and they are put in the game in an immersive way
    + CG is definitely well drawn
    + Dev/devs pay attention to the Patrons and their wants which is a heavy plus
    + Many of the quests have choices which lead to rewards/consequences

    - Lacks realism sometimes; mother just died and need to find dad urgently but let's build a breeding farm why not
    - Sometimes the fetch quests, monster-evading sections, and tasks are too long and needlessly tiresome
    - Update rollouts are inconsistent and slow

    Overall, I think this is one of the best 2dcg RPGM games out there even at it's current and unfinished state. Worth a play if you're looking for a good balance between gameplay and porn content.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    The excessive nature of the content is not exactly to my taste, but that is just a personal qualm. However the game needs auto saves and time travel. For all the effort that clearly went into its making, I am not going to replay 10 minutes because I forgot to save and a game over happens with no warning.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is quite a bit of fun. I really enjoy that this game doesn't shoehorn you into being a whore. In fact, there can be quite little actual sex for the main char if you play the game that way. Thief/Assassin route for the win!

    Great game! Death/defeat does lead to a rape scene. It is par for the course in this type of game (with a female protagonist).
    Likes: sp0rx
  14. 5.00 star(s)


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  15. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3713897

    By far the best game I have ever played! The story, graphics, and controls are just amazing. I can't wait for more updates. This game has huge potential. In my opinion, the RPG style has been utilized perfectly. I hope that even more functions coming in the future. Keep a good job guys.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Have been playing this game since it was just a small project with space holder hentai pictures. And oh boy, what this has become! A true rpg! Only only a good hentai rpg but a real RPG! Everthing related to it I'd great. Art, story alike.
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    A well written game but its overly ambitious world building makes you question what really is its focus.

    Story/Writing - You start out as an innocent girl thrown out into a chaotic aftermath of monster onslaught throughout the continent and you decide how to shape her personality from several decisions that corresponds to a stat increase which opens up new opportunities in your future adventures. While it would come as a typical and cliched corruption game, its detailed writing makes it distinct among the games of this genre. It takes its time to develop key characters introduced through quests which also uncovers lore and backstories piece by piece. Easily 5/5

    Gameplay - Quests can be done in at least two ways, which makes it nonlinear. The elements of rpg is still there - grinding money, searching for objects and npcs, and managing day to day needs like hunger and energy. Thankfully no worries about leveling up and combat. However it is this part of the game where i find most of its problems - the quests. Quests are divided into two - the main and side quests. Now there shouldnt be problem here in the first place if not for how it is structured. I have no qualms for a wide selection of quests, we all love that. The problem is a side quest spirals into a whole story line of its own, perhaps more story and depth than the main quest. That sounded good and exciting at first glance. Then as the game goes on, another quest of equal content is introduced. And then another, and another. Now you end up with a bunch of not yet developed quests that judging by the years this game has started, most players would have probably moved on to another game. My only suggestion is maybe tone this down a little bit, and actually move the main story(or quests that actually matters) forward. Until then, i'll give this 2/5

    Art/Renders - Amazing 2D images but sadly no animations. It also comes with a mini map, which is nice. No problems here really except for the fact that as of late it seems like the dev wants to slap all kinds of kinks into it to cater to all audiences every update. There is an option to avoid them however, except for some.
    Additional outfits would also be nice, but other than that i'll give this 3/5

    Overall 5+2+3=10/3=3 stars
  18. 5.00 star(s)

    Master Yoshi

    I've ignored this game for a while now, thinking this would be just another one of those games with a weak female protagonist that has to prostitute herself to dogs to survive, and while it can be one of those games if you want to, you can also make Claire a strong character that will actually resist rape attempts rather than just submit to eveyrthing with a dick.

    This game has far surpassed my expectations and easily turned into one of my favorite porn games in this site, it's not just a good porn game, it's a good game as a whole, an excellent well written story, characters with real personalities, a well built world that can almost feel real, even the sidequests are good, in fact, they might be the best part of the game.

    Wether you like a slutty female protagonist that will fuck anything that moves or a strong one that will impose her will, this game is perfect and I could not recommend it more.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    It's a little unfocussed at times, but it's still one of the best written games. There really aren't that many decently written games, so that's saying a lot. It's an absolute must play. I can only hope it keeps getting updates, and especially edits on some of the dull parts. It's hard enough to get any updates on adult games, let alone edits to the published bits. If there could just be a bit of feedback and editing, this could truly be a masterpiece.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games I've ever played on this site. Most rpgm games reach a point where I'm rushing through text and saying "Just get on with this stupidly long dialogue already" but in this game even the occasional long dialogue has me paying attention.