If your playing the latest version of Claire's Quest.
To get into the Meat Pit (if you didn't take the pirate or the sailors ship) if you go into the Rathpike sewers from the brothel (whore house) and work your way to the east of the sewers there are 2 Lector thugs standing there. If you try walking past them one claims you smacked into him and 'broke' his arm.
You have 2 choices, pay 1000 silvers (you get an IOU) and sometime to pay up. Or 'spit in there face' this will see you captured and sent to the pit.
As far as defiance for this my defiance was 12-15 and she still got captured and sent to work the pit.
The 2 hooded brats standing near a hole in the wall has been moved from Rathpike to the Valos sewers, it's part of another side quest or story-line thats has yet to be written into the game.
NOTE--- THe Pirate ship also forks off. When the Pirate visit Claire and Beth you have a choice. Bite down on the Pirates dick this gets all the pirates to do a 'train' on Claire. This will see you sent into the Pit.
Be 'good' and suck the pirates dick, which will see Beth (she causes some trouble) get all of the Pirates attention and she will have to do a 'train'. This will see Claire sent to Valos and be a slave to the Fairfelt Manor!
THe meat pit is pretty straight forward to escape, talk to the girls make sure you ask any and all questions, Claire will get tips on how to master BJ's and the Rack. NOTE before you even try and enter the The Stage make sure you sleep and your health is fully restored.
THe Fairfelt Manor theres is a hidden domination stat for Esther you need to find the 3 right answers to gain 3 (domination) points. This is important since Esther will take over the operations of the Fairfelt estate.
1. I insist, mistress
2. I wouldn't dare
3. Esther wants another book from the library choose......
"Saga of the Warrior-Queen"
You gain a close friendship with Esther and Claire will have a vital link to a Noble family, maybe important in future updates. If Lawrence wins out CLaire cannot re-enter the Manor and she will not gain anything other then freedom from being nobles slave.