- May 21, 2017
- 42
- 237
I mean not really.No news with Claire's ranch storyline... I'll skip this update.
(It seems to me that this game doesn't know where it's going. So many unachieved quests, no characters's development, Claire's mom merely abandoned...).
The game would advance much more if the developers worked on new events, instead of adding or tweaking gameplay mechanics that are not interesting.
In my opinion, this is THE game that would really gain benefits from a Renpy Remake.
This game was already remade once already, being ported from an older version of RPG Maker to MV and for the people that were around then I'm sure they can tell you that it took a good while before the game caught back up to where it once was. The only reason it wasn't a huge issue was that, for awhile, they updated both versions and the MV version got a bulk of the redone content plus more added on so there was incentive to go play that version even when it didn't have much. The old build of course had quite a bit to do as well.
Now, if the game was to be remade for Renpy that'll be an entirely different story as so much of the game as it is right now is built off of the premise that you're able to move around and interact with items, NPCs, and mobs much like you would in a typical RPG game. That means several integral parts of the game would have to be redone entirely because Renpy is a very different engine, and this time it won't be just porting scripts/touching scripts up, it'll be redoing a lot of them because Renpy uses Python whilst RPGMaker MV uses JS.
Regardless of these points, what would the game benefit from porting over to Renpy? I'm genuinely curious as to why you think Renpy is the engine the game needs when the game is primarily an RPG game in form, if not function.
Yes, the game would advance more if the developer worked on content to specifically advance the game that's basic game development theory, if even that, but porting to Renpy doesn't solve that problem. Claire's Quest is a wide game, not necessarily big, but wide in the sense that there's loads to do and the game gives you space on how you approach things and that takes time to implement. For example, if you check the changelog, one of the latest quests has multiple outcomes depending on your various stats, how does remaking the game for Renpy solve that issue of it taking a bit of time to configure these events to work properly?
As for your gripes? They have plans for Claire's Mom, just because an update doesn't address her doesn't mean she's forgotten. Do I agree it's a bit weird that they would move past what would be a leading character motivation for Claire to work on other quests? Yes, but game development isn't really a linear process, stuff that's easier done gets done quicker more time-consuming tasks get slowly chipped away at.
As for the questlines, I mean they're still being worked on? While it might be easier to flesh out one and complete it and then go back to work on another questline, the content in each of them is quite different and people don't play every single storyline as you've proven in your post. If they did go quest by quest and made they were each finished completely, and mind you most of the unfinished ones are the longer quests, the wait time in-between updates would certainly go up. It's better to release as it has been doing adding two events to two different storylines so that players have choice and if they don't like one they might like the other, the unfortunate side-effect is yes, some updates just won't reel you in because you happen to want to see more of one specific storyline that didn't get new events/scenes.
And finally, on character development, I agree but also disagree. For Claire, she literally cannot have development like any other character because she's formed by the actions you do. A Defiant Claire reacts to situations much differently than a more Depraved Claire would, and more and more scenes take this into account. As for other characters, I mean, most of them are one-off characters and the ones that aren't either do have some development eg, the Ranch Storyline which develops some of the characters you meet into more fleshed out ones even if it's in a lewd sense, or need to wait until there storyline is finished to see what the result is. Regardless, what sort of development are you expecting for these characters? Most of them simply aren't the sort to have some complicated reasoning or necessity behind what they do, sometimes it really as simple as "I need help getting my wedding ring back" and "let's escape this prison together because becoming their slave sounds hella wack".
I'll sum things up neatly because a lot of this is tech and development talk.
Tl;dr - It honestly sounds like you just don't care for the rpg mechanics personally and would rather streamline the game and have it remade into Renpy because that would be best for you, because genuinely why would Renpy be a good engine for a game that wants to be an RPG first and smut second?
Please, if you'd be so kind, read the changelog on the front page if there were bugs from a previous patch and you're wondering if they got fixed. Suffice to say, at bare minimum the bug with Rangers Guild should be resolved yes, as well as the audio missing file spam.is the bug with the hunters guild or something solved? in which you couldnt advance?
also that one which happened when claire entered a state like drunk or dizzy I think and some audio missing file started to spam on the screen