Considering the Patreon budget that the devs of this game are working with, the pace and quality of updates for this game are seriously lacking. I have to say that I am disappointed in the devs. It's a massive shame, because this game is awesome, and I have beat my dick to it many times, but I have had to cancel my Patreon sub to this game because I do not think the devs put the money to good use. I cannot say that this game is worth supporting on Patreon until the devs get their shit together.
Compare this game to Seeds of Chaos, which has a similarly-sized Patreon budget: those guys release updates every two months, on a consistent basis, the updates always have a substantial amount of new CG art, several new written scenes, and gameplay updates. By contrast, Claire's Quest gets the same amount of CG art and new scenes after a four (or more!) month wait.
I want to support this game monetarily because I think it is a great product. But at the current pace of things, I cannot justify such an investment. There are still unfinished questlines from a year or two ago, the Beast Ranch is still unfinished despite development on it having been started in 2020, the 0.23 update was poorly implemented and lacked a lot of the content it promised even after the very long wait (conspicuous lack of the updated pigboss scene and the Nightmare Horse scene, for example), and the list of disappointments goes on and on. If the main guy at Dystopian Project is getting tired and burned out — then they need to hire some more writers or programmers to step in and help out. At $10k/month, Lord knows that they have the budget to do so.
I will spell it out clearly: it is not acceptable for Dystopian Project to ask $3/month for one update every four or five months. That amounts to $12 - $15 per update, and the updates are not exactly bulging with new content. You pay for two or three updates of Claire's Quest, and you forgo buying a fully-developed game on Steam.