Thanks for the explanation, but about the people who attacked me. I didn't say anything bad, I just complained about the bug. And is the first post really important?
So, let this be a lesson learned. When you nonsensically call out something on absolutely baseless terms (i.e.,
outrightly labeling a game as abandoned when there is a decent amount of evidence to suggest otherwise as mentioned by the people in the forum), people can AND will call you out for your
blatant show of ignorance.
Games that are in development will have bugs that will be ironed out as the game progresses through various development cycles.
This is the reality of the situation as many games (even the mainstream AAA/AAA+ games will have these kinds of "
chinks in the armor" to contend with as they go through the ongoing QA/Development phase prior to full/camera-ready release.
Having said that, if that does not tickle your fancy, or if you have further qualms about it, by all means then in the interim you are free to play through other games and check back on progress later. It is a very simple/logical alternative to consider.
So, with that thinking established, refrain from playing the "
victim game" or the "
oh woe is me act people are attacking me schtick" when it was originally your
trollish/uninformed ignorance that led you to be called out in the first place.
Have a wonderful rest of your day/week ahead