- New Home in Residential District
- Go there during the listed open house and talk to real estate agent about purchasing the home
- Comes with some changeable interior decoration
- Mortgage payment functions like rent - but as of this update there's no consequence for missing a payment
Anyone knows what are the "Residential District" and the "listed open house"?
Is a new area, you can reach it from the University District..
The house is on sale for 450.000 $..
You can pay 425.000 $ in cash otherwise a loan of 2200 $ for 30 years..
Once bought you can chose the interior (changing it will have a cost..)
You can't still invite people there.. so not that much useful for now..
(NPCs will disappear once you make them enter)
The game its full of bugs don't can sleep no pc and more
Sleeping always had an issue because of dreams and the Fortune Teller, it block for a few the game till the RNG won't appear..
You need to buy the laptop at the Mall (third floor)