Others - Completed - Closed Area Block Z [Final] [MaraStudio]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Great art, easy to play but not boring. I really enjoy this game :) The visuals are stunning, and the gameplay is intuitive yet engaging. It's a delightful experience that keeps me coming back for more!
  2. 3.00 star(s)

    Nijinda Futatama

    A short and simple game with excellent visuals and voice acting but lacking substance behind it. Rather unfortunate as the this game could be pretty good if it had more meat on it's meager bones. That describes every aspect of this game as the visual quality is there matched with reasonably good voice acting but there just isn't enough gameplay, plot, or dialogue behind it. The weapons feel and sound good for the most part, controls are responsive and movement and hit detection isn't bad at all for this type of game. But every aspect of gameplay is too simple and too short. This has the feel of a prototype to gauge interest in this creator's games and if that's the case it is fairly impressive. It's too short to actually recommend but then it's easy enough and quick enough that you're not wasting much time trying it.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Another game that had potential if it were a little bit longer... Closed area block Z has an interesting Resident evil vibe. The controls are a bit difficult to use at first (can't use arrow keys) but can be mastered in several minutes. It saddens me to see yet another game that could've been really good if the devs would've worked more on it. Can't really recommend it unfortunately because it'll just disappoint you at the end like me.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    +Good art
    +Prostitution in a 2D exploration game
    +Big tits
    +Respectable attempt at voice-acting
    +Don't have to grind

    -Bland as fuck gameplay
    -Weird mechanics that do nothing (Infection?)
    -No female zombie action
    -Enemy and sex position variety sucks: male zombie (3 different sex positions + DP), female zombie (no lesbian action), tentacle male zombie (1 position), big buff zombie thing (2 positions), zombie dog (1 position), zombie mutant (1 position)
    -Prostitution is too basic (You just talk to an NPC and select "Sex" then you get cash)
    -Shooting mechanics are jank

    This doesn't qualify as a full game imo, it feels like a demo or a v0.4, solid foundation but not fleshed out in the slightest, but at least you can slap zombies with a machete using terrible aiming mechanics!
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Very short but nice game. You can finish it in like 1h.
    There are some bestiality (zombie and dog rape) animations and CGs, quality is okay. Prostitution scenes are also nice. And well, main hero is Tifa, so it's another plus :)
    Mechanics are very easy and there's no reason to grind anything.

    Must-have for ppl who enjoy zombie porn.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    I am a bit disappointed about how short is this game, but it is what it is. In general it's a good game, with good controls, graphics, sounds and h-scenes. But everything of that has very short ammount, and makes you play this game for an hour or half and hour. Ending is also dissapointed me, because after finishing a game you can still endlessly play, and only thing that you want to do, it's to became a whore.
    So, pure hero saves the world and because of her's usefulness, she became a super whore and makes more money than ever !
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    the game was fun then it starts to get boring you can't do anything with zombie girls and the game is kinda incomplete because before you go to sleep the first time it tells you that if you sleep with your infection high it would become worse, well I got my infection to 99% and slept and was fully healed never became a zombie, and again zombie girls just kill you, the game is also short and has very little enemies to fight, I think the developer should have ran through the game to see if anything wasn't done because two things weren't, also after a certain point of the game it starts getting laggy and if you have a low resolution screen well 40% of the game is off the screen, so like I said before the game is missing some stuff and has some problems and well who made the game probably rushed it to be finished.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    I honestly cannot with this. I don't usually like to bad-rep games but this one was atrocious. The devs expect you to guess where to go next. There's barely any indication for anything, took me a full 10 minutes before I figured out how to get a second repair kit for the first block's generator, the only thing that gave me any indication was the point with the electric attacks. When I reached Block Z there wasn't a single thing I could do aside from turn the electricity on using a repair kit. Went everywhere in the area and couldn't find a single thing apart from the panel.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    Quick pros and cons just like how the game can be finished pretty quick ayy lmao

    Average H CG quality and content, animation could be better though. Maybe they could've just made more CGs instead.
    English is understandable enough

    Very low-quality sound effects and generic bgm.
    Very annoying stamina system. You run for barely 2 seconds and then you stop to catch your breath. They probably made Tifa's tits way too heavy on this one.
    The fighting is pretty bad as well. You need to be very aligned horizontally to the enemy to be able to hit and they move around vertically a lot. If you've played Treasure Hunt Corps before, it's kinda like that but worse.
    The final boss fight was barely anything. No special BGM, mechanics whatsoever. It was just any other enemy just with slightly higher damage.

    Overall, the game's all over the place. At least it isn't grindy so it won't waste your time too much.
    Likes: ob123
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    Short and the controls are beyond painful, like original RE1 sort of plant and shoot sort of thing and if the target is slightly above or below your line then you miss. RNG for some stuff but nothing super grindy. But hey! At least the art is good!