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Feb 7, 2020
I can't say about buying the game but I have 64gb and would be happy to help out with rendering
Believe me, I don't even have money to buy cigarettes. If it did, the first thing I would do would be to strengthen up my computer. So I can't pay you anything.
The reason I started this business was to earn a few bucks. I set everything up, I planned it. However, I got stuck in the render part (the last part).
It's disgusting. It seems like months of effort will be wasted
May 16, 2018
Believe me, I don't even have money to buy cigarettes. If it did, the first thing I would do would be to power up my computer. So I can't pay you anything.
The reason I started this business was to earn a few bucks. I set everything up, I planned it. However, I got stuck in the render part (the last part).
It's disgusting. It seems like months of effort will be wasted
Well I'm not asking for money, but from what I can see in the videos posted the problem is probably that you have unnecessary assets and specially textures loaded into the scene which aren't visible in the camera but still get loaded into the memory. 16gb is more than enough for scenes of that scale
Feb 7, 2020
Well I'm not asking for money, but from what I can see in the videos posted the problem is probably that you have unnecessary assets and specially textures loaded into the scene which aren't visible in the camera but still get loaded into the memory. 16gb is more than enough for scenes of that scale
Yes I know, that's why I month everything with collections. I completely turn off everything except the camera and render that way.
But strangely, sometimes it renders and sometimes it doesn't.
I think it's at the full usage limit. I checked the computer usage, the amount of memory that can be used remains 10-20 mb.
that's what is preventing me from rendering.
Moreover, what I said is only for 2 characters. If I activate a 3rd character, it is impossible for me to render.


Dec 9, 2020
Nice renders and scene setup. Maybe do an erotic art gallery collection and put it on patreon instead of a whole game to maybe earns some moooney. Then you can always use the art for the game later.
Feb 7, 2020
Nice renders and scene setup. Maybe do an erotic art gallery collection and put it on patreon instead of a whole game to maybe earns some moooney. Then you can always use the art for the game later.
To tell the truth, I don't like making art. Because setting up a place or a character is a laborious task.
It's easier for me to render by setting up a fixed scene and continuously posing. Thank you for your suggestion
Sep 2, 2020
Hey dude, its kinda hard to believe that you came that far and then came to a roadblock but let me tell you what your dooing wrong.

You have to render characters and backgrounds seperated man.
Make an 360 hdri out of the rooms and then place the character in a scene with that one loaded as back ground. Or put characters and backgrounds together in gimp or photoshop or whatever as everyone else does.

And reduce the smoothing modifiers so that you use less memory which you should do anyway since you wanna use evee.

Also eevee isnt depending on your 16gb its depending on your gpus memory!!!
Same goes for daz studio itself btw.

Also se reselling of daz figures is illegal btw so your whole deal is worth nothing.

Put it on hold for a while and maybe try again later ... as they say .. never surrender.

edit: If anyone stumbles on this wondering.
It could be that he had also an export problem. I have a figure exported that is over 16gb loaded .. one figure! Maybe thats from export with high res instead of basemesh? There was no subsurf applied in blender in that mesh so i guess i had somewhow exported the mesh with applied subsurf at max level.
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