So, for someone like me actually looking forward to playing the game, can someone please answer a couple of questions :
- I just went to the mines on day 2, won my first battle, but need to heal my party. How can I do that ? I guess I could return to town and rest, but there has to be better, right ?
- Is there a way to change the goddamn awful font, or at least the font size ?
- Zooming in all the time is bothersome, will we get some kind of better resolution options in the future ? Everything is so (censored) small.
If someone could provide some helpful insight, I'd appreciate it very much, just to know if I should stick with the game and give it a honest try, or come back in a couple of years (when it reaches abandoned status?).
EDIT : Wiki wasn't helpful at all, and I couldn't find anything in the last dozens of pages of this thread but people begging for gallery codes.