Unity - Cloud Meadow [v0.2.1.1 Patreon] [Team Nimbus]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Absolute trash that furries are supporting for some unknown reason lol, the game might be complete and decent by 2030, it's been years and the game is still a holo alpha of nothingness, little empty world with a few scenes, basic boring fights thrown in, no actual story or anything to do except the most basic of 'farming'
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    scam about donations. great support monthly and no(no=supermiserable) progress for a long period of time (more than 2 years). each update brings only bugs and 95% of updates is bugfixing or adding new notes in loading screen. ofc few scenes were added, but who cares, since they r buggy and most part of the game just doesnt work. not cool at all =/
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    The only reason i'm giving 2 stars is because of the art, because pretty much the rest is terrible. There are tons, and i mean TONS of bugs, gameplay is lame, and the story does not deliver. Considering the time the game is in beta and the money they are making per month, this is unnaceptable. It's a shame, really.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    I have been waiting and waiting for years to make this review hoping they will change for the good but i guess something never changes no matter how much time passes.
    1. The animations
    2. The fighting is interesting. Characters have their own moves so you can make teams and see how they work together.
    3. The open world has a lot of details
    1. The controls are still bad.
    2. The open world looks good but you really can't interact with a lot of characters or explore a lot of places.
    3. There really isn't that much of a story. Nothing interesting or exciting that will make you wanna play more and more.
    4. Bugs, bugs and more bugs.
    My final thoughts:
    For a game that started after breeding season in which most of the things were done perfect and the fans loved the game i really can't understand how they can f it that much. Even after so many years the game still goes after many paths but never focuses long enough on one of them. The development started on "2016" but the game has so little content or to say them spending time on a content that nobody would expect them to spend time on. They bring updates like every 12 days or less but when you see what it is on them you can see that most of it is fixing bugs and bringing 1 or 2 new things that bring nothing to the game for me that is like " hey we have a lot of bugs to fix so we will add one new small detail and call it update". For a game that has a team working on it with over 19-20k$ it sure has a lot of bugs. It's like "they are leaving them purposely so they can look like they are working on the game hmmmm" A lot of people are saying a lot of stuff about the money or the updates but if you go and look into other developers and their games you can see that they work on much smaller budget with a team of 2-3 people and they bring so much into every update they release. Nobody cares if updates come every 12 days or they take up to 2 months what people care is what does the update bring to the game. One game can release a new update after couple of months but give so much content but this game can bring 10 updates and give 1% content which is true. Maybe that is why most people just want the code for the gallery and then they leave. If things go on like this let's just say the future will not be bright.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Best selling point of this game is its art- it's really good.
    As for gameplay... Well, game had lots of problems and was in barely "launchable" state for a long time, but as of recent available version(0.25e) it is finally not some mess filled to the brim with bugs, but an "early build of a game", definetly playable and, beside a couple of bugs, none of which(unlike previous builds) were gamebreaking for me, even enjoyable..
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    I give this game two stars rating only because it has great SafeFW art and design. If not for it I would have given it only one star rating. Let me explain my reasoning behind such a low rating.

    First let me just briefly mention that I'm not a patreon of this project simply because I remember what happened to the previous project that the Lead of this one has worked on.

    The main issue that I see with this game is that on the Patreon page they state that the "Total Completion" is at 66%. But the version of the game is 0.0.3 at this stage. So it just doesn't make any sense whatsoever.

    But OK lets just imagine that it is not a significant issue and is misleading, but let us look at the game itself. It was pitched by the lead as a better version of Breeding Season, there were lots of drama etc. Since than almost 4 years has passed and this game is not even near to what BS was. It tries to be a dungeon crawler more than anything else, but that the most boring part of it. It is not engaging in any way. It is not challenging. It is not fun. It is just time consuming.

    Animations and all NSFW stuff is there, but you wont find much of it. And it does not really play any role in this game. You can successfully crawl through dungeons with characters that are set in the story without any need to breed some incredibly powerful companion.

    I really don't see any point in wasting more time in this game. The art design is really good, but everything else and the design decisions in everything else are just poorly made.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    Kinda broken, still in beta which is fine I guess but some stuff is game breaking if it's a bug, or poorly explained if it's not a bug. Probably won't be playing this game until it's refined a lot more. The animations are fantastic but the game itself has a lot of issues.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    While the game certainly has its bugs it's to be expected from a new release. What i'm excited about is the excellent art direction, and the creative nature and ideas of the developers is expressed in a fun and interesting art style to boot! I have high hopes for this game and will be following it closely, as the porn is good but I enjoy the mechanics just as much (when they work). Awesome shit produced by the devs and I look foward to the next release!
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    Extremely boring gameplay that has top-notch animations. Development "seems" fast, when in all actuality it's the slowest development out there for the sheer amount of money people keep putting into it. There is waaayy too much going on in the game... like beyond too much you can get lost just trying to find your way around. If you don't have a higher end computer this will be very slow, unless it's just slow for everyone. Have to rate 1/5 because ever since branching off from Breeding Season and creating a whole shit ton of drama, this game is nowhere near the playability of Breeding Season which was made in less time, and fewer funds before it took notice. Yeah, this looks SIGNIFICANTLY better, but not worth wasting your time to download until they complete the game. Right now it's only v0.0.2.5, that's a very very very very small version number for the sheer amount of time they have had to work on the game. Once again, don't waste your time downloading a 7 trillion gb game. If you want the scenes or something then try to find some.

    For the staff looking at this, my review isn't about the developer or pricing, but the pricing and speed at which they release is apart of this to not give hopes to those wanting fast releases with actual content. The review is mostly about the game itself.
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    Boring gameplay that tries to be too many things at once without being particularily good at any of them. the dungeon crawling is tedious and repetitive, the farming is superficial and the sex animations are only as a side bonus to the game in general. almost like the developers are hoping to get backing for this game through promise of sex to later just make a sexless version for steam. The animations are very well made. thats it.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    Two stars simply because the animations are top notch, there's no denying that.

    But everything else is implemented pretty poorly. There are game breaking bugs and the game itself doesn't know what it wants to be, Instead of focusing on one aspect at a time, the game tries to be three different things at once.

    And this is more of a personal gripe, but a breeding game that doesn't allow inbreeding kind of kills a good chunk of the fun. I understand why they had to do it with Patreon's rules and all, but an unofficial patch would have been nice. All in all it's s very poor replacement for Breeding Season which even in its unfinished state is still more enjoyable to play through this.
  12. 2.00 star(s)

    Tiger King

    glichy and confusing with many features seeming to have broken in the updates between last year and now such as combat where my character disappears and cant attack or it freezes the game, the combat is umbalanced as hell with the first cat dungeon being hard as hell. farming i cant get to work no matter how many times i try to follow the instructions, the pixelated text is annoying as it can be difficult to read, and putting the game into full screen mode makes things slightly easier to read.
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    Terrible game play, but the visuals and cg are nice. But the game does not guide you on where to go, so you are stuck running around the map to see if you missed a spot, or if the place even exists. It lacks intuitive nature of games where you could at least guess where to go. Unfortunately for me the cg does not makeup for this poor game.
  14. 2.00 star(s)

    Fake Count

    Very slow development, misleading/lying/underachieving developers, and a buggy mess. If you enjoy games that don't have longstanding bugs, I recommend you look elsewhere as your frustration might prevent you from getting any enjoyment from this game. If you are looking to enjoy just the animations, I would recommend looking them up instead of trying to get through the game to get to them.
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    Poorly explained, extremely small interface and overall an exercise in tedium. While the game is in beta, I do not see that there is much to look forward to once it has come out of beta. There is a "lot" to do, but everything is tiny. This would be better as a WASD game and not a point and click adventure. It feels like they wanted to be Harvest moon without everything that makes Harvest moon good.
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    This is a game by people who abandoned a previous game like this... 4 or so years ago so that they could make a new team and make this one.

    So with that in mind, in 4 years this is what we have.... version Like are you joking? The people making this game are incompitent and I highly dobut your dick will even be functional by the time this game is completed (if it ever even is completed)

    Do yourself a favor and just don't bother, it's alright with what it has, not even great, just alright. And each update gives you very little, there's nothing to even wait for as the features you want to make this game actually last a while won't be here for a long ass time. There are much better game options out there by people who are not just trying to stall for patreon money and actually have some ability to make a fun game. These guys are for sure not those people.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Despite the slow production and updates, Cloud Meadow is already a beautiful and atmospheric game with plenty of content to wow people with. The combat system works great, and I'm eager to see it updated farther.
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    This thread has been up since 2016, and despite making $16,674 dollars a month, the public builds have always been bare bones. There's no excuse for that other than horrible management, which really shows in what's available. For a game making that much money, there really shouldn't be obvious placeholders, regardless of how long it takes to animate the game, considering for $60 bucks, anyone commissioning art can have it done in a week.

    Beyond the art, which is comparable to a game on this using Honey Select models, as that's the only appealing thing about it, nothing is really special about this game that really deserves the 16k a month it gets. A lot of the backing likely comes from those who like monster girls.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    It's playable and fun, but most the tasks the protagonist is supposed to be responsible for; supplying food, drink, creatures; either scrapes by enough to support meager operations or actually incurs losses. I imagine this will improve when crop yields grow and refining facilities are completely implemented, but the cooking interface would still be a major obstacle to all industry. It's fun while experimenting and discovering meals, drinks and desserts, but after you already know what you need, the recipes are a long list to scroll through, and the ingredients list even longer. Worse, if you're using any non-standard quality ingredients, you have to drag each one from the list individually, and after cooking a single item they will all be cleared from the selection. You cannot cook in batches and you cannot repeat the single previous item without repeating the processing. Even if the bugs were worked out, this is going to scale horribly with the increase in crops and ingredients.

    Dungeon crawling is the funnest part of the game, but it's not going to get riches, not even enough to cover the costs of developing your monsters to handle the increasing difficulty. The loot isn't just poor, it's boring; no matter how the tough the opponents, you can still expect drops already available in the town store, and you can only sell for pennies. For braving these depths, your reward is...groceries!

    Your character is the most ineffectual member of your party; any abilities that might have had potential have been nerfed down to marginal utility. Perhaps this was intended; the protagonist is a non-action guy, a simple farmer who's real strength is in breeding and raising creatures to handle tasks. And indeed your monsters can exceed the abilities of any companion you recruit, but that requires a long term investment of time and effort to achieve, while companions' advancement keeps pace with your own while you're adventuring.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    It could be better, let's wait for future versions, but for now it's promising for sure! Just arm yourself with patience and if you have a kink for creatures X humans this game is definitely for you.
    Speaking from a general perspective though, it can get very frustrating and boring if you don't know what you're doing.