1.90 star(s) 103 Votes


Active Member
May 11, 2018
Now that I can compare this game development to good ol' "Breeding season", I can say that H-bomb was better in managing, developing and game-evolving stuff.
And we lost that gem thanks to S-purple being a nasty [insert bad word here].


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2018
WOW!!!! this is just getting worse each year holy fk....

Ursa became the leading main programmer???? holy fk this is MAJOR FKED UP in programming team ursa is now getting all the heaviest work right now jesus

damn that's latest news in kemono site thank god whoever posted that news because this is an IMPORTANT information going right now.


Active Member
Mar 27, 2019
It's just a matter of perspective, i think in the pov of the dev this is wonderful news because now every remaining member can share a bigger slice of that sweet sweet passive income pie
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Active Member
Nov 16, 2016
attention all threadgoers, there is a Team Nimbus Bootlicker among our ranks
He's right though. This thread is absolutely overfilled with completely delusional, shit takes. 95% of the people talk shit just because they wanna join the anti-hype train, while they have no idea about the actual context of the game or its development.

There's worse Patreon scams out there than this one that are making far more dough. There's plenty of shit to talk about this game and Shwig, its main developer, but I feel like that pool's been exhausted a long time ago.
But this thread's been in a downward spiral of completely (ok, "almost" completely) irrational shittalking basically since its beginning. I check it only occasionally and I find it tiresome enough to actually feel defensive about the game.
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Dec 19, 2020
I also used to support them until the main person for the animations left. This is probably the only forum that I read is just people complaining about the same things in every update. Why even comment in the thread when they most likely don't even play the game? I'm talking about the people that just complain on here just to do it.
Complaining can get annoying, sure, but consider that when you have a 252 page thread on a game and it goes from everyone saying "this is great!" to "this is dogshit!", it's a red flag for potential buyers to stay away. The alternative is no one saying anything, which just leads to more poor fools getting drawn in by this game's (admittedly great) animations and art, only to find that they've thrown away X amount of money (or, god forbid, left themselves subbed and forgot about it) for the third useless UI/UX update in 9 months. I'm fairly confident games like CM even started a trend on Patreon of luring people in with some top tier art (usually commissioned from a well-known artist for extra oomph), only to go radio silent for months at a time while those sweet, sweet sub dollars keep flowing in from people who either don't know better or forgot that their credit card is still being kidnapped and ransomed.

I feel like MadSeason should do one of his documentary episodes on porn game development disappointments.
Bruh, if he did it'd be a top 1000 at least, practically half the damn space in the past 5 years has been abandoned projects or Patreon moneysinks that start out honest only to ever so strangely start updating less and less frequently and with less content the more money they make. Hell, you could probably do a business thesis on how frequently the monthly profits from Patreon porn projects inversely correlate with effort and time spent actually developing the game.
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New Member
Aug 27, 2017
Do you think you can do the version 1.4.1
can you patch it to 1.0 version?
Here is the patched version for I tested it and it seems to be working.

pornforonly, I am not sure which patch you're referencing with 1.0. The current patch is on Patreon and on Steam as of 6/8/2023.


Here is a guide so whoever wants to can mod it themselves

  1. Download a dll editor. I use dnSpy ( ) use at your own risk. It seems safe though
  2. Open the win32 version of dnSpy. The files seem to be in 32-bit. image_2023-06-08_205022450.png
  3. Open the "game.dll" file found in the folder "Cloud Meadow Patreon Beta 0-1-4-1\Cloud Meadow Beta 0-1-4-1_Data\Managed". You can either drag and drop the file onto the open dnSpy window or go to "File>Open..." and select the "game.dll". image_2023-06-08_204721322.png
  4. Now it should look like this if you have opened the file. image_2023-06-08_205529865.png
  5. Click on the search bar that is roughly in the center of the window. It is right under the magnification setting that says "100%" and to the left of the "Options" dropdown arrow.
  6. Type related and hit enter. Now there should be a list of assemblies below the search bar. We want "AreRelated". image_2023-06-08_210130995.png
  7. Double-click on the "AreRelated" assembly. It should look roughly like this without the red lines. image_2023-06-08_210524421.png
  8. There is a thin white line between the portion we are editing and the other portions of code. So it is easiest to just right click on the "AreRelated" code highlighted or Right-click anywhere close to that line.
  9. Now select "Edit Method (C#)...". If done correctly it should look like this: image_2023-06-08_211114031.png
  10. Now go through the code and everywhere it says "return true" change it to "return false".
  11. Now click "Compile" down in the lower right-hand corner.
  12. Go to "File" in the upper left-hand corner and select "Save Module..." This should pop up: image_2023-06-08_211605501.png
  13. Click "Ok"
  14. If you followed the steps properly your game should be patched. Test by attempting to breed monsters that are closely related.
Hope this helps.

Thanks again to cbmcbmcbmcbm and BaeyDesola for being the ones I learn this information from.


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2017
Look, the goal of their updates is not to be "substantial" but to be able to claim to new cashcows that the game is still "regularly updated"
Indeed. They fix a few bugs and introduces just as many bugs in its place. 1 step forward 1 step backwards... for years upon years... for more than half a decade. 4 years ago it was more than clear, it was a scam. Anyone not noticing for all these years deserve what they get. Nothing. I don't even loathe the people simping for this game anymore. It's clear they are getting paid. They have a wooden wagon full of stinking shit and call it potential farmland. The ones supporting this are not so figuratively buying crap.

Ahhh. It was nice getting this off my shoulders. Almost therapeutic.


Jan 29, 2021
Can anyone who uses XUnity Autotranslator help? I quite often get an invalidoperationexception that the object type is not in the collection and I can't continue any further, only exit to the main menu or out of the game
P.S. a partial solution is to turn on/off the translate in problem areas, where it apparently does not insert the text very well. I want something better
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Apr 22, 2019
Who know, what happened with fps? i have ~10-15 frames everywhere (even in main menu). Can't remember this problem in previous builds
1.90 star(s) 103 Votes