It's not so much about comparing this game to another game as it is about a much better game with actual progress was killed to make cloud meadow possible.
S-purple (who is the lead on this game... or rather I should say is the founder of the project) was the artist for Breeding Season. A game which has spawned almost an entire genre of games (Breeders of the Nephelym, Breeding Farm, and several other's that were poor attempts at cash grabs by comparison), and Breeding Season was huge, at the time it was the project making the most money on patreon of any other project. H-bomb was the creator and he actually developed the game start to finish in a few years, there was actually a final version of the game. And then they decided that they wanted to do a revamp, change some art, improve some animations, maybe add some features. And shortly after they started doing that the updates started becoming late. H-bomb would tell us to be patient as we were waiting on the art, s-purple was no longer doing his live art streams. And eventually we found out the project is dead.
S-purple's contract as part of the team gave him ownership of all the art he created for the game and he took possession of most of the art in the game and blocked Breeding Season from being able to use it anymore. Despite the fact that the people who actually followed the progress knew that the art was the hold-up in the last few months, S-purple somehow appeals to a large majority of the patrons to Breeding Season on patreon and convinces them that H-bomb was causing delays in the project. That he was trying to broaden the scope of the game too much and S-purple claimed that he could see that the project was going to end up in a development limbo of slow updates and that the game could never actually be fully finished with the way H-bomb was managing it (sound familiar...? it should if you've paid any attention to cloud meadow's development progress). He claimed that H-bomb had lost interest in the game and was actually dabbling in streaming himself playing video games instead of spending project time doing development (which it is true H-bomb started streaming games... but he started doing that because his piece of each update would be finished and they'd be delayed in releasing because the art wasn't done).
So now you've got 10's of thousands of dollars worth of patrons (I can't remember how high it got, but I think it was almost up around 80,000 dollars a month by the time the project was killed... don't quote me, bad memory for numbers) putting their full trust into S-purple and pledging their support on his new patreon site for cloud meadow. And the amount of money he's been pulling in on that patreon has been waning over the years, but it's still at almost 18,000 right now which is ludicrous considering the output on this game on what feels like a semi-year basis at this point.
Long story short... the scam is that S-purple killed an actual viable property he was only a team-member for so he could create his own project using the reputation of Breeding Season to make his project instantly and obscenely profitable. And all the issues he claimed were going to plague the future of Breeding Season - if H-bomb continued to run the project his way - LITERALLY happened and is still currently happening to cloud meadow under S-purple's leadership.
On a legal loophole that was just meant to be a perk for his portfolio of being on the team, S-purple killed a real project to create a "game" that has gotten no tangible progress in years, yet is still making an obscene amount of money.