Been a while since I checked in on this game, and I have to say: pleasantly surprised. Frankly, thought it was going nowhere and kinda felt like it was fizzling out, but I'm really enjoying the recent emphasis on farm automation and breeding. Feels like a breeding game again! And I greatly appreciate the way the farm works now. Using monsters as workers instead of just livestock is a really interesting mechanic that I don't think I've seen other breeding games do before, and God knows it makes farming a lot more interesting. Now I want to breed for good workers and fighters. There's incentive! Means I have an excuse to breed other than wanting to see the porn lol. Good shit.
I certainly have my gripes, though, namely that I wish it was easier to categorize your monsters. I think they could do a lot with the art and mechanics to make the game feel a lot more fluid. Maybe some moving NPCs or waving grass, some more events, more interaction with characters and stuff, general fleshing out. UI needs some work, as well, but their work on Patreon looks pretty promising. Besides the kind of brutal (and sometimes very boring) combat and lack of overall polish (although it's a beta, and again, it's been shaping up recently), the actual farm gameplay is really fun and promising. Glad to see them taking this shit in the right direction once more, game is successfully on my radar again.